Recent content by tim m larabel

  1. T

    Being denied visitation

    And yes. I was a father figure same as my wife. Untill they started acting like a child with a new toy at Christmas not wanting to share. SAD !!
  2. T

    Being denied visitation

    Actually, the ten commandments says honor thy father and mother. Doesn't say anything about kids. Which is what they are.
  3. T

    Being denied visitation

    Buddy is only asking them to be adult and talk about things. Empathy. Without it you're a narcissistic
  4. T

    Being denied visitation

    P.s. i could give a shit what the law says. As man's word is far more important. Not some rule men with shirts and ties came up with
  5. T

    Being denied visitation

    Wrong on all counts. My attorney advised me to adopt my biogrand daughter. Then i can let them see her as long i want. And i told them that. So, no. God didn't give them those kids. I did. They were given to my daughter by God. She couldn't take care of them because of her disease of addiction...
  6. T

    Being denied visitation

    This all happened in 15 minutes after i arrived at my daughter's rental cottage and dinner and spend a night, which i desperately needed, In common law, grandparental visitation is a moral obligation, not a legal one. TrestleLink - Infrastructure to Connect › Gran...PDF Grandparent Visitation...
  7. T

    Being denied visitation

    Also forgot to mention, went to my priest and confessed to him all that went on. He recommended writing a letter and ask for the gift of forgiveness. I did and they responded with yet another charge that now im being manipulative. Someone's begging forgiveness and you come back with another...
  8. T

    Being denied visitation

    This all happened in 15 minutes after i arrived at my daughter's rental cottage and dinner and spend a night, which i desperately needed, Still not seeing him. My ex lives in Alaska. She comes down once a year. If the opportunity presents it self, i get to see him. Last summer i was handing...
  9. T

    Being denied visitation

    4 mths so far. Nailed it. She came to "get an apology" that fateful night over a conversation where i was agitated over and bullying her. I didn't see it that way I did apologize, and when i did, she said "there, now was that so hard." To which i replied "not sure what I'm apologizing for but...
  10. T

    Being denied visitation

    No document. Just witnesses to me asking for one Disagreement was over a phone conversation Bottom line a disagreement. Adults usually sit down and talk about it. That's the way i was raised They aren't talking. I feel like there's a lot more going on. But without talking, there's no way to...
  11. T

    Being denied visitation

    I live in Michigan. I raised my granddaughter from birth to a yr and half. She was adopted by a couple. I felt as close to them as my children. Last December as they were adopting them, i requested a document be signed that they would never deny me visitation. Everyone was shocked that i would...
  12. T


    The state of Michigan owned the land before they sold it to me. No one can claim adverse possession of any government property
  13. T


    Hey judge. My attorney told me no judge is going to move that driveway after they've been using it for 16 years. I maintain that they possessed it illegally. You can not adversly possess state land. I don't care if it's a few feet or a few acres. No means no. Doesn't it ??? As far as statute...
  14. T


    Also, I've never heard of someone holding off on fences and garage. Attorney said it could blow up the deal. What deal. ?? There is no deal. He's an idiot and I'm an idiot believing there's a deal that could be blown up
  15. T


    I wouldn't give him the credit of a bully. He's more of just an idiot. I'm separating the easements now. One for egress and ingress. And a second negotiation for a utility easement. Driveway will be one price. Gas line will be another price. And I'm going ahead with putting my fence up that...