Hello, I have a credit card that I was not able to pay because I got sick. I did a virtual meeting recently with the judge and the creditor to make an agreement. I got sick again and I cant afford to make the $75 monthly payments. I received a letter from the court saying that I have to submit...
My question involves criminal law for the state of: Florida. I work as Uber driver and a customer left their phone in my car. I contacted Uber so I could get a hold of the person. The person called me and advised I would like to give them the phone back but I asked if they could at least give...
I was working for a company and I got ill and I was not able to work for two months. My FMLA was exhausted and my short term disability claim was denied. My employer decided to terminate me after the two months. I filed for unemployment and the benefits were denied or the following reason: THE...