Medical licensing for violating moral and ethical standards outside a medical environment.

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Not sure this is the right place for this question, but the title is the topic.
I just came from court over a Temporary restraining order placed on me. The restraining order was from my neighbor who is a Doctor. She had called the cops and said I attacked her. I was able to show a video in court(from a trail cam) synced up to her 911 call that showed it was her that assaulted me(she grabbed my arm, scratched my wrist and hand, and then grabbed me again in an attempt to pull a hose out of my hand as I was watering some plants). I also showed several videos(from my iphone and blink camera system) of her throwing rocks at my puppies. She hides behind some bushes and lobs rocks at them when they are in the enclosed dog yard playing or going to the bathroom.
My family has an acquaintance who is a doctor at the same hospital she works at(kind of her boss). He is head of training new Doctors/Residence as well as the head of ethics training for the hospital employees. He said I should send the videos and court transcripts to the Montana Medical licensing board. Two other doctors who are aware of what happened have supported this idea(including one who knows her). But a lawyer who is friends with the family said if I sent the videos and court transcripts to the medical licensing board and/or her employers, that I could be sued for it.
My neighbor lied to 911, the cops, on the restraining order, and in court twice about the assault. She attacked me, and I can prove it with video. She's throwing rocks at my puppies. She keeps escalating her war with me and my family. A war we arent fighting. She's very well off and Im an artist on a fixed income. I cant fight her in court, I cant afford it. I cant live next to her knowing she will "lick her wounds" from the court loss, dust herself off, and then find new ways of making my life and my families life "hell". She has already tried to get me thrown in jail. She has hurt my dogs. She seems very unstable.
My question is, since the videos were shown in court can I send them to the Medical licensing board, her employers, and/or put them on social media. Am I liable for anything? Its public record now, right? Viewable to anyone. or am I wrong? Anything else that Im missing would be welcome.

and just from a human point of view about being "wrong"..
Am I wrong in thinking about doing this? Is it too much? Is going after her job(in an attempt to make her move) morally wrong? If this backfires then Im the one escalating the situation.
But a lawyer who is friends with the family said if I sent the videos and court transcripts to the medical licensing board and/or her employers, that I could be sued for it.

Mr. Smart, don't do ANYTHING stupid.

You're Mr. SMART, aren't you?

The lawyer gave you sensible, sound advice.

Unless you suddenly wish to rename yourself, Mr. Foolishly Stupid, cogitate deeply, earnestly and reconsider the wise, kind attorney who provided you with great advice. Don't consider doing ANYTHING with that lousy video, but destroying it and never speak of it as long as you're vertical and drawing breath, along with a heart operating between 60 to 100 BPM.

STOP, THINK, before you DESTROY yourself and your ability to earn a livelihood suddenly disappears.
Am I wrong in thinking about doing this? Is it too much? Is going after her job(in an attempt to make her move) morally wrong? If this backfires then Im the one escalating the situation.

Being "right" doesn't prevent a defamation lawsuit from being delivered to you. Even if you win it could cost you 10s of thousands of dollars in lawyer fees that you don't get back.

Do your best to avoid any further escalation of a bad situation.
Mr. Smart, don't do ANYTHING stupid.

You're Mr. SMART, aren't you?

No, Im not smart*. Alex Smart is the main character(violent criminal) in a Clockwork Orange. If that was me this problem would have been solved in a much different way. and its an anagram of sort for Smart Ass aka Smart Alex.

Smart people dont deal with lawyers. They recognize the cyclical parasitic nature inherent in our justice system. A system of the more money you have the more "justice" youll get. But again I'm not smart, which is why I'm here.
But a lawyer who is friends with the family said if I sent the videos and court transcripts to the medical licensing board and/or her employers, that I could be sued for it.

Sue you for what, exactly? She might file a suit for defamation but sending videos and transcripts to others is not defamatory because defamation requires that you make false statements to others that harm her reputation. If the videos and transcripts are all she points to in her suit the case would likely be dismissed for failure to state a claim or dismissed on summary judgment. That said, it still would cost some money to get the case dismissed.

The other thing to know is that medical boards are concerned with behavior that might endanger patients, doctors, or other medical staff. Generally things they do that are not connected to medicine or affect their ability to practice medicine are not things they can deal with. If that's the case in your state the medical board would just dismiss it. Whether it would give a copy of your report to the neighbor before that is something you'd want to find out.

You were assaulted by her and may report that to the police. Generally police reports are given some protection from defamation claims. If the report results in a conviction the licensing board may well be notified of that by the court system, and the board can then make a decision on her license without any involvement on your part.
You were assaulted by her and may report that to the police. Generally police reports are given some protection from defamation claims. If the report results in a conviction the licensing board may well be notified of that by the court system, and the board can then make a decision on her license without any involvement on your part.
I will add, that if she is harming your dogs and injuring them, that too should be reported to the police.

There is much that can be done without reporting the restraining order court hearing to the licensing board.
No, Im not smart*. Alex Smart is the main character(violent criminal) in a Clockwork Orange. If that was me this problem would have been solved in a much different way. and its an anagram of sort for Smart Ass aka Smart Alex.
Smart people dont deal with lawyers. They recognize the cyclical parasitic nature inherent in our justice system. A system of the more money you have the more "justice" youll get. But again I'm not smart, which is why I'm here.

This was meant to be a little playful, but after rereading it I think it comes across as mean spirited or defensive..sorry, not my intention. I was trying to be self-deprecating. I failed.
Not sure this is the right place for this question, but the title is the topic.
I just came from court over a Temporary restraining order placed on me. The restraining order was from my neighbor who is a Doctor. She had called the cops and said I attacked her. I was able to show a video in court(from a trail cam) synced up to her 911 call that showed it was her that assaulted me(she grabbed my arm, scratched my wrist and hand, and then grabbed me again in an attempt to pull a hose out of my hand as I was watering some plants). I also showed several videos(from my iphone and blink camera system) of her throwing rocks at my puppies. She hides behind some bushes and lobs rocks at them when they are in the enclosed dog yard playing or going to the bathroom.
My family has an acquaintance who is a doctor at the same hospital she works at(kind of her boss). He is head of training new Doctors/Residence as well as the head of ethics training for the hospital employees. He said I should send the videos and court transcripts to the Montana Medical licensing board. Two other doctors who are aware of what happened have supported this idea(including one who knows her). But a lawyer who is friends with the family said if I sent the videos and court transcripts to the medical licensing board and/or her employers, that I could be sued for it.
My neighbor lied to 911, the cops, on the restraining order, and in court twice about the assault. She attacked me, and I can prove it with video. She's throwing rocks at my puppies. She keeps escalating her war with me and my family. A war we arent fighting. She's very well off and Im an artist on a fixed income. I cant fight her in court, I cant afford it. I cant live next to her knowing she will "lick her wounds" from the court loss, dust herself off, and then find new ways of making my life and my families life "hell". She has already tried to get me thrown in jail. She has hurt my dogs. She seems very unstable.
My question is, since the videos were shown in court can I send them to the Medical licensing board, her employers, and/or put them on social media. Am I liable for anything? Its public record now, right? Viewable to anyone. or am I wrong? Anything else that Im missing would be welcome.

and just from a human point of view about being "wrong"..
Am I wrong in thinking about doing this? Is it too much? Is going after her job(in an attempt to make her move) morally wrong? If this backfires then Im the one escalating the situation.
I'm not a lawyer, but given the circumstances, it's understandable why you'd want to take action against your neighbor. Since the videos were shown in court, they might now be considered public record, but laws regarding sharing such evidence vary by state. Consulting a Victorville CA sex crime lawyer or another legal professional could help clarify your rights and any risks involved in reporting her to the medical licensing board or her employer.
As an attorney, I would advise you to proceed with caution before sharing any court evidence, even if it was presented in a public hearing. While reporting misconduct to the Montana Medical Licensing Board may be justified, publicly sharing videos or contacting her employer could expose you to potential defamation or harassment claims. To protect yourself legally, it's best to consult with a qualified attorney who can assess your specific situation and guide you on the safest course of action.
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