Corrupt redlands pd

harrassment wrongfully charging homeless

You might also want to provide your reasons for why you think the PD is corrupt. Corruption is a claim often tossed around by those who aren't being treated like they should. Sometimes the charges of corruption are accurate, but a lot of the time they are way overstated.
My daughter has a green belt running through the private community where she lives. While not gated, the community has large signs posted at both entrances for Private Community, No Trespassing, Block Watch etc.

Last week she called the police and reported a homeless person setting up camp in the green belt, committing the crime of trespassing. The police came and put him out.

Certainly not harassment.

I'm happy that the police responded quickly and efficiently. The green belt is used by residents for dog walking and they are frequently picking up trash left behind by the homeless who sneak in and do whatever.
harrassment wrongfully charging homeless
You, as do all of us, have the RIGHT TO REMAIN SILENT, and ACCESS to a state funded attorney, if we qualify.

Its UNWISE to discuss ANYTHING via the internet or face to face that involves the police and/or criminal charges.

Use your right to seek a state funded attorney or hire one of your choice, and speak about this nonsense only with YOUR ATTORNEY, not internet strangers, or even real time, so called friends.

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