Woman owed $24,000 in UNPAID rent killed building super when he tried to COLLECT!

army judge

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NEW YORK (WABC) - Police say a New York woman killed her apartment building's superintendent when he tried to collect late rent.

Sandra Navarro, 48, is charged with murder, tampering with physical evidence and criminal possession of a weapon in connection to the death of 55-year-old Jose Portillo, the superintendent at a Kew Gardens Hills apartment building in Queens.

Officials believe Portillo was hit on the head and stabbed in the neck and leg. They found his body in garbage bags stuffed under a bed Wednesday.

Sandra Navarro, 48, is charged with murder, tampering with physical evidence and criminal possession of a weapon in connection to the death of 55-year-old Jose Portillo, the superintendent of her apartment building.(Source: WABC via CNN)

Woman who owed $24,000 in rent killed building super when he tried to collect, police say

The medical examiner said Portillo's cause of death was homicidal violence.

Officials say Navarro and her husband hadn't paid rent in years and owed about $24,000.

Navarro's husband told police where to find Portillo's remains. He's not facing charges because surveillance video shows he was at work all day and only came home 20 minutes before police arrived.

Neighbors say Portillo started as the building's gardener and worked his way up to become the superintendent. He was described as a friendly and reliable man who would stop to talk to people.

Poster's note: Can you see the EVIL smirk on the killer's, devilish, haunting mug?????
Wonder why the building owner let this slide for $24,000 without evicting.

The owner might be so wealthy, she/he isn't concerned with details. She/he has many other BIGGGER BUCKS to collect.

What surprised me is what kind of jackball kills their landlord?

The planet on which we live is a very dangerous place. That's one of the reasons I plan my adventures outside my "hideyhole" carefully, avoiding the shady areas in my vicinity.
Neighbors say Portillo started as the building's gardener and worked his way up to become the superintendent. He was described as a friendly and reliable man who would stop to talk to people.

The super was a well liked man.
Apparently a very loyal, dependable employee.
Sadly, good men and women are slain by crazed jack balls regularly.
Today's goofballs and thugs don't need a reason, once an itch is developed.

Danger Will Robinson, Danger!


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