IRS to Cut 50% of It's 90K Strong Workforce

army judge

Super Moderator

Great day on a beautiful, sunny morning. Someone has seen the light. About darn time the IRS gets demolished. There are better, modern ways to fund a government, than imitating ALLEGED royalty stealing from 13th Century citizens by Dictators!!!!

The IRS is drafting plans to cut its workforce by as much as half through a mix of layoffs, attrition and incentivized buyouts, according to two people familiar with the situation.

The people spoke on condition of anonymity because they weren't authorized to disclose the plans.

A reduction in force of tens of thousands of employees would render the IRS "dysfunctional," said John Koskinen, a former IRS Commissioner. The federal tax collector employs roughly 90,000 workers total across the United States, according to the latest IRS data. People of color make up 56% of the IRS workforce, and women represent 65%.

According to a White House memo sent to federal agencies in late February, agencies are to develop a report by March 13 on its reduction in force plans — but it is unclear whether the White House will approve the IRS' reorganization plan and over what period of time it would be implemented.

Representatives for the White House, the Treasury Department and IRS did not respond to an Associated Press request for comment. The New York Times first reported the deliberations.

If that's true it will be a huge mistake by the Trump administration. The IRS is underfunded and understaffed as it is. Cut the workforce by 50% and it won't be do its core mission of collecting the nation's revenue. Those who salivate at the prospect of lying on their returns to pay a lot less than they owe — in other words commit the crime of tax fraud — because they believe they'll never get caught. Great for the wealthy who have a lot of ways to hide their income at their income at the expense of the great number of employees who won't have the same opportunity because the IRS computers will still be up and running and the wage statements will still come into the IRS. In other words, this continues the patttern I'm seeing in this White House of a policy of Making America Great for Billionaires by shoving all the responsibilities and costs of government and socieity on the middle and lower income classes and leaving the ultra rich free to do as they please with no responsibility or accountability.. That oligarchy of billionaires will rule the country for their benefit and make things worse for everyone else. In short Trump's operating motto seems to be "Greed is good".

I've been a tax professional for over 40 years, both in the IRS and in private practice and I can easily the problems Trump's plans will create. He seems unaware of the cliff he's driving towards with stupid decision like this. I mean, how did he decide on 50%? I know for a fact that they didn't get it by an in depth study of IRS operations and indentifying areas which are redundant, operating at too high a cost, etc. You know, the kinds of things that people who run organizations do before making drastic decisions like this one. Trump pulled that off the top of his brain because he figured Americans would think it's great. He wasn't the temporary bump in poll approval numbers he'll get. Hopefully Congress will have the sense to not to follow Trump's lead and insist on something more than just picking numbers out of thin air.

He's following the road map to power that his idols Vladmir Putin and Viktor Orban used to become dictators and run the country to rapidly add to their worth while their populations end up ever worse year after year. I don't see why most Americans support this stuff. It's not the wage earning American that has much to fear from the IRS. It's the wealthy that fear the IRS finding out just how much tax evasion they've. Before Trump was inaugurated the IRS was ramping up a program to more thoroughly examine the wealthiest Americans to make sure they pay their share. If I have to pay my share then sure as hell the billionairs better be paying their share too.

Unfortunately a large group of relatively uneducated citizens who voted for Trump only focus on the Trump's smoke about kicking out illegal migrants and making foreign nations pay for our taxes through tariffs. I've already explained why Trump's idea that tariffs will replace the income tax is completely unrealistic but Trump of course won't listen to his aides who point out realism. Trump prefers to live in the Trump World in his head. This doesn't bode well for the next four years. I prey this nations survives Trump's assault on our institutions, rights and freedoms without too much damage.
Trump is seeking a 21st Century solution to an early 20th Century creation via the 16th Amendment, taxing a citizen's income.

Amendment Sixteen to the Constitution was ratified on February 3, 1913. It grants Congress the authority to issue an income tax without having to determine it based on population.

Frankly, the USA has only 756 bona fide billionaires. What Trump seeks to do, is replace the archaic income tax with a 21st Century tax. Some speculate that'll be customs duties, along with tariffs. Eventually, tariffs will be eliminated, as US companies return to US to make and build their products.

It'll take time. Will it work? Probably, because the present payroll tax scheme, along with mandated tax filings isn't working very well.
If that's true it will be a huge mistake by the Trump administration. The IRS is underfunded and understaffed as it is. Cut the workforce by 50% and it won't be do its core mission of collecting the nation's revenue. Those who salivate at the prospect of lying on their returns to pay a lot less than they owe — in other words commit the crime of tax fraud — because they believe they'll never get caught. Great for the wealthy who have a lot of ways to hide their income at their income at the expense of the great number of employees who won't have the same opportunity because the IRS computers will still be up and running and the wage statements will still come into the IRS. In other words, this continues the patttern I'm seeing in this White House of a policy of Making America Great for Billionaires by shoving all the responsibilities and costs of government and socieity on the middle and lower income classes and leaving the ultra rich free to do as they please with no responsibility or accountability.. That oligarchy of billionaires will rule the country for their benefit and make things worse for everyone else. In short Trump's operating motto seems to be "Greed is good".

I've been a tax professional for over 40 years, both in the IRS and in private practice and I can easily the problems Trump's plans will create. He seems unaware of the cliff he's driving towards with stupid decision like this. I mean, how did he decide on 50%? I know for a fact that they didn't get it by an in depth study of IRS operations and indentifying areas which are redundant, operating at too high a cost, etc. You know, the kinds of things that people who run organizations do before making drastic decisions like this one. Trump pulled that off the top of his brain because he figured Americans would think it's great. He wasn't the temporary bump in poll approval numbers he'll get. Hopefully Congress will have the sense to not to follow Trump's lead and insist on something more than just picking numbers out of thin air.

He's following the road map to power that his idols Vladmir Putin and Viktor Orban used to become dictators and run the country to rapidly add to their worth while their populations end up ever worse year after year. I don't see why most Americans support this stuff. It's not the wage earning American that has much to fear from the IRS. It's the wealthy that fear the IRS finding out just how much tax evasion they've. Before Trump was inaugurated the IRS was ramping up a program to more thoroughly examine the wealthiest Americans to make sure they pay their share. If I have to pay my share then sure as hell the billionairs better be paying their share too.

Unfortunately a large group of relatively uneducated citizens who voted for Trump only focus on the Trump's smoke about kicking out illegal migrants and making foreign nations pay for our taxes through tariffs. I've already explained why Trump's idea that tariffs will replace the income tax is completely unrealistic but Trump of course won't listen to his aides who point out realism. Trump prefers to live in the Trump World in his head. This doesn't bode well for the next four years. I prey this nations survives Trump's assault on our institutions, rights and freedoms without too much damage.
I'm fascinated by your recent editorials about Trump. That is what they are, editorials by someone who hates the man. But you keep getting things incorrect. You never give us a single fact to backup what you have to say.

Trump administration has not told the IRS to reduce its workforce by 50%. All that was done was to ask each agency department head to submit a reorganization plan by March 13th. It is up to the agency to decide who and how many employees will be cut.

According to a White House memo sent to federal agencies in late February, agencies are to develop a report by March 13 on its reduction in force plans — but it is unclear whether the White House will approve the IRS' reorganization plan and over what period of time it would be implemented.
I'm fascinated by your recent editorials about Trump.

That's one way to characterize it.

Not that it matters to anyone but me, I'm sensing remorse, regret, sadness; because the donkeys were unable to bamboozle, flim flam, trickerate, befuddle, confuse, obfuscate, and bully the American electorate into voting for a third tier individual to replace the barely animated carcass that pretended it was US President for nearly four years!!!!
Not that it matters to anyone but me, I'm sensing remorse, regret, sadness;
It matters to me also because I see an erosion of civility, decorum, and common sense. The donkeys, as you call them, have been so marginalized that they revert to acting like scorned teenager in a bad high school relationship instead of adults. They have zero integrity.

As to the remorse and regret, we see it here on the forum. But Trump is doing exactly what he said he would do if elected. These members want instant gratification with no pain or sacrifice correcting decades of abuse.

It's like you go into the hospital for a hip replacement and the Dr. tells you that you're going to be fixed. You will be able to walk again without any pain and your life will be much better. So, you focus on that without regard to the pain, months of rehab, and your limitations on activities. But, in those first few months, you question your decision. When you finally get through it, it was all worth it.
It matters to me also because I see an erosion of civility, decorum, and common sense. The donkeys, as you call them, have been so marginalized that they revert to acting like scorned teenager in a bad high school relationship instead of adults. They have zero integrity.

As to the remorse and regret, we see it here on the forum. But Trump is doing exactly what he said he would do if elected. These members want instant gratification with no pain or sacrifice correcting decades of abuse.

Donkey puppeteers, shakers and movers, and strategists believed that their solutions for America's ailments would have been best, even though the animated corpse's "no border policy, LET 'EM ALL Enter", allowed millions of the human refuse, rejects, illiterate, rabble to burglarize our border and treasury with their donkey generated, inspired, fantasized tales of abuse and persecution at the hands, and under the auspices of their various governments.

Additionally, donkeys never believed the electorate would choose an obese Caucasian male faux felon over a female that wasn't Caucasian, but alleged she was of mixed Asian and African descent.

After all, devious, donkey mischief had been applied to our legal system, which donkeys believed would destroy, humiliate, and cause the "orange menace" to be summarily rejected over their Obama/Pelosi inspired and hand picked mixed race female. Why, you're wondering? Donkeys had DEI, remember?

One word comes to mind, BACKFIRED.
It matters to me also because I see an erosion of civility, decorum, and common sense.

I'm saddened to say much of that has be perpetuated by Republicans. Trump is the perfect example. Rather than engage in civil discourse he instead mocks and belittles anyone who isn't 100% behind him and willing to kiss his ass for his approval. He resorts to calling those people petty, insulting nicknames like a missbehaved child on the playground rather than engaging in meaningful dialogue with those who object to his plans and making efforts to persuade them of his position and working with them to find solutions that would have the broad public support. He's a president that won barely half the votes in the election. He needs to get it in his head that he doesn't overwhelming support and begin governing with policies that will benefit the broader American public rather than just pumping up his MAGAite base of people who are willing to follow him no matter what, even cheering has he leads them to Hell.

Once Trump leaves office the Republican party will be much worse off in national politics for his having control of it the past 8 years. Without the force of his oversize personality I don't see future MAGA presidential candidates faring well. The Republican party may have a long rebuilding process ahead of it to repair Trump's damage to it.
What Trump seeks to do, is replace the archaic income tax with a 21st Century tax. Some speculate that'll be customs duties, along with tariffs. Eventually, tariffs will be eliminated, as US companies return to US to make and build their products.

And what 21st century tax is that? Trump hasn't proposed one and I see no evidence that he has any idea of what kind tax that would be. If you a referring to tariffs, customs, and excise taxes those are not 21st century taxes. They are taxes that in the U.S., including the colonial period, date back almost 400 years. They are very much pre-industrial taxes that supported an agricultural nation. The U.S. today, while it has a thriving agriculture sector, is dominated by tech, manufacturing, and service industries. While at the formation of our present government the majority of citizens were farmers, today less than 2% of our population work as farmers. The total agriculture sector, including nonfarm jobs, employs about 10% of the U.S. population. Our country is much different than it was in 1789 and those on the right who think that we can return to what America was like in 1789 are misguided because they evidently don't get that American and the world have changed tremendously in the last quarter millennia.

I respect that you have experience and expertise in a number of areas, but it appears taxation may not be among them. I have been a tax professional and studied tax for nearly 40 years and I laughed when Trump made the absurd claim that the income tax can be entirely replaced by tariffs and his claims that it is foreign companies and governments that pay those taxes. That line was popular among his base who have no understanding of how the tax system works, but he'll never accomplish it. It is simply not possible. The reason the U.S. adopted the income tax for federal revenue in the first place was precisely because excise, customs, and tariff taxes were incapable of raising the money needed to run the federal government. And that was needed to fund the government as it was post civil war, and the federal government today is much, much larger than it was in the late 1800s.

I posted earlier exactly why Trump's idea of replacing the income tax with customs, excise, and tariffs won't work. If you missed it so say and I'll provide you the link with the numbers that show why it won't work. If Trump has a truly new 21st century tax that meets the restrictions on taxation in the Constitution I'd love to hear his idea. But so far he's simply been recycling old ideas that have already proven to be inadequate.

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