Can I cancel an insurance claim?


New Member
On June 8 of this year I was involved in a minor car accident with another driver. There were no injuries.
The other party was from out of state and driving an avis rental car (did not buy the avis insurance). She failed to follow the curve of the road and strayed into my lane. She was however traveling for work and her work insured her through travelers insurance.

Initially I reported to accident to avis rental and my insurance.
The lady also reported the accident to avis and her works insurance (travelers)
Appriasers came out and surveyed the damage to each vehicle.
The damage to the rental car was $500. The damage to my vehicle was $1300.

Our insurance companies made contact with eachother and each of them took the side of their insured.
My insurance paid me out minus my $1000 deductible so I got $300 bucks.
Avis sent me a claim asking me to pay for their damages ($500)
This claim was forwarded to my insurance who denied it.

Now my insurance said the claim will go to arbitration once travelers initiates it and a neutral third party will decide whose at fault. (Seriously not my fault) At the scene when I explained to the lady what happened she looked me dead in the eye and said "your word against mine". There were also no witnesses and the cops in San Francisco dont respond to non-injury accidents.

My question is this. I have not filed an SR1 form. I've read that if an accident does not cause injury and the total damages dont exceed $750 it does not have to be reported. Can I cancel the claim with both companies. Im willing to repay the $300 my insurance company gave me, to forget about the $1000 deductible I had to come out of my pocket for and also pay the $500 to the rental car company.

Im going to be starting a new job that requires a clean dmv. No point and no accidents on my record. It seriously wasn't my fault but i dont want to risk this at arbitration.
Whether you cancel the claim or not, the damage was well in excess of $750 and you are required to fill out the SR-1. If you do not send in an SR-1 and the DMV learns of the accident, either from your insurance company or the rental company, then your license could be suspended.

At any rate- your insurance claim has already been processed and paid. I don't think you will have much luck reversing anything at this point. Had you canceled it right away before they took any action you might have some luck.
Yes. I am definetly afraid of the DMV finding out through the insurance companies. And yes the damage was considerably over $750.

I was thinking of calling my insurance company and telling them to drop the claim and that I would reimburse them their $300 and save them some work. They didnt report the accident to the DMV and wont they said its my responsibilty.

Then I was going to call the car rental company to see if the other insurance company had paid them. If not I was going to offer to pay them in full on condition that they drop their damage claim against travelers.

I was then going to call travelers and offer to pay the damages, without admitting fault so long as they do not report the accident to the dmv.

Essentially, what im thinking is that if I don't claim any damages and just pay for the rental cars damage then the cost of the accident will be below $750 dollars and my dmv print out will be clean. As of right now its clean.

Do you think my plan is legal? Good?
I think someone will throw (or has already thrown) a wrench in your plan.
Once you agree to pay, be ready for the woman to claim several medical problems.

You might want to speak with a lawyer.
Many insurance companies will make that SR-1 report for you.... it may already be done. If not by your company, then possibly by the other.
Essentially, what im thinking is that if I don't claim any damages and just pay for the rental cars damage then the cost of the accident will be below $750 dollars and my dmv print out will be clean. As of right now its clean.

Do you think my plan is legal? Good?

No, certainly not legal, although you could get lucky and get away with it. If the DMV finds out about it you are likely to first get a notice reminding you to submit an SR-1 before they actually suspend your license... so you could take your chances.

Just because you don't claim any damages on your vehicle doesn't mean the damages didn't occur. The SR-1 has nothing to do with what is claimed. It is about actual damages, and these days just about anything goes over $750.

I am not certain if what you are scheming here amounts to fraud or not... though I'm thinking its not. It is just a dangerous line to walk when your drivers license is on the line.

Many insurance companies forgive your first accident and it does not effect your insurance rate... if that is your concern you might check in to that.
This is quite an old post but I just saw it and is relevant to a situation that just happened a few weeks ago. A company with which I am affiliated had an insurance incident similar to this one, with one of the shareholders suffering damages not exceeding $1,000. I don't believe anyone wanted to file an insurance claim and the company would just reimburse the shareholder. But an outside consultant managing our company decided to put the claim through because they wanted to 'protect' the company against later claims by the injured party - just in case the shareholder changed their mind. The ultimate face palm.

Once the insurance company has notice of the incident, there is no practical way to back track. Most concerning, especially now in 2025, is the concern that insurance premiums will continue to skyrocket. Once the insurance company takes note of an incident, it will keep it on file as an incident. This is not a desirable result as it can and will likely impact on premiums. I hope the OP received a good result from the arbitrators.
But an outside consultant managing our company decided to put the claim through because they wanted to 'protect' the company against later claims by the injured party - just in case the shareholder changed their mind.

Actually, a good idea, especially with injury to the person. It's also a contractual obligation, of every insurance policy, for the policyholder to report knowledge of any incident that may give rise to a claim.

Pick any policy (auto, home, business, etc) and look for Duties in the Event of a Loss (occurrence, claim, etc) or words to that effect. It's in them.

You are correct about rising insurance rates. Especially for claims surcharges on top of rising rates throughout the industry.

That's causing many to engage in Do-It-Yourself claims adjusting. Risky. I have traditionally opposed the idea. But these days I am prone to assist people with cautionary advice about the process.

Reddit has an insurance forum rife with insurance questions every day. There are many insurance pros who respond.

Not such a good idea when the shareholder would be fully willing to sign a waiver and release and understands the pyrrhic victory of an insurance claim for what is a minor injury. Outside consultant seems to have ignored this and opted for personal CYA without putting themselves in the shoes of the client. Now that consultant is the ex-consultant. ;)

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