Search results

  1. Q

    Single Family Dwelling Obligations

    I recently rented out my single family house at a dirt cheap price considering the economy. The contract was signed for AS-IS. The tenants are now requesting certain things to be fixed. Bathroom sink to be replaced because of minor cracks (i dont mind to avoid injury). Fridge to be...
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    Being Sued In Wrong State

    Howdy all....its been a while....okay here goes... Many, many, many years ago, about 8, I had a cell phone with AT&T. They did me wrong and sent me a bill for $600 dollars. I argued and argued and they didnt listen. What they had done was use my daytime minutes up before using my FREE...
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    Suing for Specific Performance

    In contract for a condo in Florida. Seller's son decided he doesn't want his mother to sell. Anyone know of the probability of winning in florida on specific performance? This is not the seller's primary residence.
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    Collection put on report after 5 years

    Many many moonlights ago, I had an AT&T cellular phone. At the time, they were using your main (day) minutes before applying your free minutes. There was even a class action suit a couple of years ago because of this. I tried at the time to explain to them they had miscalculated my minutes but...
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    Never received prior notice for collection

    My niece borrowed some books from the library on my account. Failed to return them. I never received notice, until I got the first collection notice. Which I paid all fines associated immediately. I have a letter from the library stating the balance is clear. Is there anything I can do to have...
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    Notice of Non Renewal for Rent Stabilized Apartment

    Hi all, my grandmothers apartment which we had previously gone to court and won the right to stay in, (check my previous posts), suddenly received notice saying they would not be renewing the lease because they are claiming that she no longer resides in the apartment. However I am extremely...
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    Non Evict Co-op

    Hello All. The building I live in, in Queens NY, was in Chpt 11 Bankruptcy. It has been recently bought by a big real estate group. I believe the building sponsor had about 50% of the shares, and the rest was co-op. The building is a rent stabilized non evict co-op. Basically I am safe no matter...
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    Trial Case for school

    Anyone up for giving some advice? There are 2 parts to this. One being a landlord tenant. The second having to do with gifts. Thanks a bunch if you have the time. If you need to reach me, email me at Here are the facts. I am the Defendant. Plaintiff and defendant were...
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    Accident, Who is responsible?

    Im trying to research a case for school. The situation goes like this: I am the plantiff, I was stopped at a red light facing northbound in the middle lane of a 6 lane divided road. I was flirting with Defendant #2, who was in the left turning lane, and thoroughly distracted him. When the light...
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    Money found in new condo

    My mother recently bought a condo from an individual in Florida. A few weeks later when my mother arrived there, the previous owner called to say she found some more keys. She seemed extremely excited to comeover and bring them. When the previous owner arrived, she asked my mother whether we had...
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    To disclose or not to disclose

    A friend is selling a townhouse in NY. He has had some leaks fixed and everything seems to be okay. However some appliances do not work properly (the fridge and dishwasher). What has to be disclosed and what doesnt? Can the house be sold "as is", is there any such thing?
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    accident 1 year ago claim filed now?

    My cousin was driving on a shared road with bicycles. An old man on a bike suddenly turned left at an intersection right into my cousins car. Police came, report filed, the man was encouraged to go to the hospital. There was no damage done to the vehicle and no claim filed with the insurance...
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    Residential Snow Removal

    My mother owns a house in New York. What are the rules in NY for sidewalk snow removal? Thanks a bunch.....:D
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    Cigarettes on the internet

    have any laws come about yet on buying cigarettes on the internet. im in NY and they are killing us out here at 7.50 a pack. however im a little worried about purchasing them over the internet. i have found sites that are chargining less than 20 a carton, why should i pay 7.50 a pack. can they...
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    Paternity tests in prison

    I know my son is his father's child; however, there has been some doubt on that side of the family. Particularly the paternal grandmother. Originally I received an order from the court to receive child support about 4 years ago. Since then we have handled all adjustments on our own. If I go back...
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    CRJ Major/ Prospective Law school student

    I wanted to know if anyone knows of any scholarships or grants provided to Criminal Justice Majors, or anything of the sort. My GPA is a 3.87. Scholarships like the Bill Gates scholarship disgusts me. There are millions and millions of scholarships for "minorities". Why cant there be...
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    You Guys Are Great. Thank You!

    To all the administrators that take the time to answer our questions I just want to say THANK YOU SO MUCH I want you to know that I appreciate all the time you take to answer even some of the silliest of questions. Ever since I found this site, its been heaven sent. THANK YOU THANK YOU...
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    Alcohol & Drugs: MIP, MIC, Intoxication giving drugs to a minor

    I spoke with a friend (she's 21) and she told me that she had smoked marijuana with her 14 year old niece at her house. Her niece took 1 or 2 buffs. I was concerned by this situation and spoke with her niece and had her niece tell her mother about what happened. When I spoke to my friends...
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    Assault & Battery how can hitting someone be considered harrassment?

    I was at my pool club when a young lady came up to me and punched me in my face after threathening to hit me. I tried to use self defense to protect myself, however she was fairly larger than I. She hit me numerous times in the head and back and would not let go of my hair. Even when a lifeguard...
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    Consumer Law, Warranties Cellular phone contract w/ Nextel

    Recently I recieved a letter from Nextel saying they will be changing all calling plans, (existing and new), of customers, from Per Second billing to Per Minute billing. Can they do this to existing customers in contract with them already?