copyright protection

  1. J

    Can I use song titles for product names?

    Hi there, I was wondering if it is possible to use song titles for product names. I have a soap business and was hoping to name them after popular rock songs (e.i sharp dressed man). The artist/band won't be mentioned nor will the products have a correlation to them. No song lyrics will be...
  2. How to Register a Copyright

    Computer Law How to Register a Copyright

    This article will provide a summarized, basic understanding of copyright and provide you with steps on how to register a copyright from the U.S. Copyright Office. When does copyright protection begin for something you create? As soon as you create something original that is affixed in some...
  3. Copyright Basics: Registration, Protection & Notice

    Copyright Copyright Basics: Registration, Protection & Notice

    This article will provide you with a basic of what a copyright is and what works are protected by copyright, how long protection lasts and the limitations of what registration covers. This knowledge will help you when reading information on how to register a copyright. What is a copyright? Why...