A teenage boy, whose drunk driving killed four people and seriously injured two others, was spared any jail time as a result of his being a “victim” of his family’s excessive wealth. In a DUI case that has sparked national outrage, a Texas judge sentenced the 16 year old defendant suffering from...
It should be common knowledge to anyone who has a driver’s license that the operator of a motor vehicle is not permitted to drive while impaired by the effects of drugs or alcohol. What is not so clear is whether passengers permitted to drink alcohol in a car or other motor vehicle. What if...
Over 100 visual cues for spotting a drunk driver were compiled by the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA). This study was the result of extensive research and interviews of police officers making over 12,000 DUI (Driving Under the Influence) and DWI (Driving While Intoxicated)...
The number of road traffic deaths in the United States may be decreasing but the number of alcohol related car accident deaths is on the rise. This increase is occurring despite the fact that alcohol related auto accident deaths can be easily avoided. Even DUI and DWI criminal charges and...