
  1. M

    Should I write up or fire my employee again for harassment?

    I'm a store manager at a retail outlet mall and recently, I wrote up an employee over harassment, even though the behavior doesn't meet the legal definition of harassment. My assistant store manager came to me that she and who I will call employee A were talking about gay rights. Within that...
  2. L

    EX Bosses Harassment

    I'm telling this in the third person, what was sent to me. There is so much to this company the rabbit hole goes pretty deep. So I worked for this company for about 13 years, I always was left alone in the back corner and basically forgotten about which I loved. About 3 years ago they kept...
  3. A

    Slandered in Court Resulting in Harassment Order

    I had to start a new thread, because I couldn't comment on the other thread, which I created, because I "have insufficient privileges to comment here"? What does that mean? So I can no longer comment on a thread which I created? This makes no sense. What do "privileges" mean? I also want to...
  4. J

    Possible harassment

    Been with this company for about 2 years now and recently had a new manager added to the team about 3 months ago. I'm an experienced employee and a top producer for the team and just come to work and put my head down and mind my business. The manager is clearly green at their position and...
  5. W

    How Can I Stop Ubiquitous and Repeated Harassment from Retail Establishments in my Neighborhood?

    How Can I Stop Ubiquitous and Repeated Harassment from Retail Establishments in my Neighborhood? I am being harassed based on a rumor that my former employer (whom I left 10 years ago) started. I feel threatened in grocery stores. I feel threatened in restaurants. I've tried shopping at the...