miranda warning

  1. A Criminal Defendant's Right to Counsel

    Justice System A Criminal Defendant's Right to Counsel

    The Miranda Warning read to a criminal defendant upon arrest generally states that “you have the right to an attorney. If you cannot afford an attorney, one will be provided for you free of charge.” Your "right to counsel" is the right to have an attorney present to help you defend against...
  2. Arrest, Booking, Criminal Charges & Expungement Processes

    Arrest, Booking, Criminal Charges & Expungement Processes

    This article will explain the process of what criminal charges are, how they are filed and how to remove them. What is an Arrest? If a person is reasonably suspected of committing a crime, he or she may be arrested by a police officer. A crime can be of a minor (misdemeanor) or serious (felony)...
  3. Miranda Rights, the Miranda Warning & Police Questioning

    Police Activity Miranda Rights, the Miranda Warning & Police Questioning

    This article will explain to your rights to have a "Miranda warning", also known as your "Miranda rights", when you may be subject to an arrest, search and seizure of property. What are "Miranda Rights" and the "Miranda Warning"? The Miranda warning consists of a group of statements (also known...