17 year old and 18 year old

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I have a step daughter that is 17 and she has a boyfriend that is 18 he lives in a different state so their relationship really is not that much other than over the phone. He is in California about to move to Nevada and she is Florida. Her Mother has no problem with them cooresponding over the phone and such and we have personally met the guy and he is a good person. However the step daughters father has problems with this and has threaten to file charges against the boy if this continues. Is there any legal ground in this since they are not even doing anything but talking on the phone now. The guy in question is in the Navy and we do not want problems for him but they are like totally wrapped up in each other since they have met.
Originally posted by moogman
I have a step daughter that is 17 and she has a boyfriend that is 18 he lives in a different state so their relationship really is not that much other than over the phone. He is in California about to move to Nevada and she is Florida. Her Mother has no problem with them cooresponding over the phone and such and we have personally met the guy and he is a good person. However the step daughters father has problems with this and has threaten to file charges against the boy if this continues. Is there any legal ground in this since they are not even doing anything but talking on the phone now. The guy in question is in the Navy and we do not want problems for him but they are like totally wrapped up in each other since they have met.

Let me ask you this -- file charges for what?
re 17 and 18 year old

Got me? He does not want her talking to him at all even on the phone. I guess he wants to charge him for talking on the phone. To me it seems just to be smoke I mean how can you report someone for talking on the phone.
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