Criminal Records, Expungement 18-year Old Who needs help ASAP

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Hello, my name is Jack and I'm an 18 year old student in high school. My friend and I got caught stealing Jerseys priced at 30$ each from (dept. store). Because we're both 18, we were charged with petit larceny. We both never stole before, it was just a spirit of the moment type thing. We're both scared out of our minds because our parents are both very strict and we don't know how to tell them. Should we tell them? Once we get to court, whats the worst that can happen? The best? Can this get expunged off my record being that it was both our first offense? Do I need a public defender? What's my best bet for being able to walk out of there just with a few community service hours, and some court fines. Please help me out, time is ticking and I need a lot of help
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I removed the name of the store. It is best you don't name the store when a theft is involved.

You definitely need the help of a lawyer. If you can't afford one, ask the court if you qualify for a public defender.
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