19 yr old daughter fell at Haunted House

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My 19 yr old daughter fell at a haunted house. As she and her friends left the house, they were surprised to be chased by chainsaw weilding employees across the parking lot. She fell. One hand is cut up, one hand is scraped raw. Her knee has NO skin left so there are no stitches. The ER gave her morphine, cleaned out the dirt and rocks, and put her on anti-biotics. The ER doc told her it will take at least 3 months for her knee to heal. The owner went with her to the ER. He offered to pay for any medical bills her insurance doesn't cover, free admission for the season to the haunted house :rolleyes:, and a new pair of jeans.
What, specifically, do we say to the owner? We want to say no in a non-mean way.
What were her permanent and serious physical injuries?

I would suspect that a court would say that a 19 year old woman assumed the risk of going into a haunted house.
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