2 minor consumptions different counties

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New Member
Hey people, I have gotten 2 minors in my life. One at a Halloween party 3 months ago I blew a .15 or so and now one at a military ball that I was at where I blew .2. The first one I just paid a fine of 180 bucks. The officer said I "may" have to go to court because of the different counties he didn't appear to be sure. So my questions are:
1. Does anyone know if I will have to go to court for sure? (20 years old on both occurrences)
2. What are the repercussions of this 2nd offense if court would be mandated?
And I don't drink very often. I had probably drank 2 other times in between these occurences. So yep I'm 50% busted, and I think I'll just quit until I'm 21 which is only a few months.
I'm skinny and tall and it does not take a lot for me to get drunk.
Thanks for your time.

And i am in the state of Minnesota by the way

Any conviction often comes back to haunt you.

You have one, and now this one is looming.

You might want to speak with a lawyer.

You also might want to avoid John Barleycorn, even after you turn 21.
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