(2) payroll checks cashed then ret'd NSF

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New Member
My jurisdiction is: California, United States

The restaurant that I was working for was closed due to a dispute with the rent. The last two paychecks that I received I cashed at the California Check Cashing Company. I did receive the money when I cashed them. Both checks were returned to the check cashing company by my former employer's bank as NSF. Both of the checks were cashed during August of 2008 and my former employer has not made them good yet. Now the check cashing place is threatening me with court proceedings. Am I liable for this money? If so, and I am ordered to pay the check cashing company, how do I go about getting my pay from my former employer?
Yes, You are liable to the check cashing company-- Yes you will have to pay them back-- to get the money back form your ex employer you will have to small claims them in your city.
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