2 regretful DUI's (Need advice please)

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My friend made a mistake 11 months ago with two DUI's. No accidents, No drugs, no harm to anyone. He is very regretful and has since become a new person. He has been in AA for 11 months, received almost 60 letters of credibility from friends and family and he works two full time jobs. He finally has court on Monday 10/01/18 and he is scared to death. He is only 140 pounds, 28 years old and jail will literally kill him. The prosecutors gave him a 4 month plea bargain a while ago but don't seem to want to change any of it. He has a lawyer but I'm not sure if he is helping as much as possible. Do you have any thoughts and or suggestions? His charges are in Flagstaff, Arizona (Coconino County) Thank you for your time and any feedback in this time of need :-(
Your friend very much needs an attorney. I assume he was in the extreme category if they offered him 120 days (which is the absolute minimum, but home detention is available after 24 days in jail).

He should expect to spend at least a few days in jail. There's too much detail missing. AA and letters of recommendation can't undo the very big harm he did to society.
His Lawyer is best suited to help NOT a website manned by volunteers. They have gotten pretty tough on DUIs over the years so yes jail is likely. You might find some help below but NOT legal advice

He has a lawyer

He should be speaking ONLY with his lawyer.

If he dislikes his lawyer, he can HIRE another lawyer, or ask his lawyer to step down (if its a public defender) and request new counsel from the judge.
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