Arraignment, Bail, Bonds, Pretrial 2 Years Since Arrest Still On Bail Still No Indictment Help!!!

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It has been almost 2 years now since my sisters arrest after picking up a package from the post office.
Charged with Possession of a controlled substance for purchasing what is sold over the counter in pretty much every other industrialized nation. A pain medication that has a very small amount a codeine, 3 would equal 1 Tylenol 3. Bought over the internet from a real drugstore in Australia that never said this was not legal in the USA and the stores website said nothing about this either.

She was arrested right there in the post office parking lot and released on bail the next morning. She hired what she thought was a good attorney, after she told him everything he said the charge was BS. Something about you have to know that what your possessing is illegal etc. She paid him $1500.00. Within a month the state said they didn't want the case and if the narcotics task force wanted it they would have to get the Federal government to file.

It is now going on two years, she has never been indicted by the state and never heard anything from the Feds. She sits on bail all this time, has gone to her attorney countless times about getting this taken care of, asking about her right to speedy trail but all she gets fro the attorney now is, I'll have to do research. She has even sent him 2 nice certified letters asking him to please deal with her case so that she can get on with her life. Every week she has to call the Bail Bondman to check in.

This is a rural east Texas county and I have been told that this county does what it wants when it wants, They have before waited over 2 years before indicting according to the Bail Bondsman.

She has no money to pay another attorney but from what we have found it wouldn't do any good, there is a click here and you can't find one attorney here to make waves.

What can she do???????

Any help with information would be greatly appreciated.

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