20 day notice

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i live in washington state and my landlord just handed me a notice to terminate tenancy in twenty days under rcw 59.12.30(2) (at nine at night none the less)and in the notice it says that we have to be out my september 4th. from what i understand of the rcw is that the notice has to be given twenty days before the end of the month. also he and the property manager has been very rude and harassed my girlfriend who is on the lease saying all we do is create problems and that they will be glad when our lease is up. technically our lease is up at the end of this month but the lease states that it then goes to a month to month rental. i am wondering if it is legal for him to give us this notice and what are my choices of legal action if any

What type of lease are you on now (i.e., a year lease?).

What does your lease say in terms of how much notice needs to be given to terminate this?

When your initial lease switches to a month to month contract, only 20 days notice is required in Washington State.

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