Shoplifting, Larceny, Robbery, Theft 21, first offense, $50, minnesota

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New Member
got caught shoplifting from a store for the amount of about $50. Didnt get caught in-store, local police showed up at my house a couple hours later... cant really afford a lawer, and i REALLY dont want this going on my record because i plan on attending med school in a couple years... what should i do and what kind of penalties can i expect? All information welcome
On your court date plead not guilty and request a Public Defender. Judge will tell you what to do next. When you see the Public Defender ask him about Diversion
I got to school over 2 hours away from were I will go to court... will I be able to complete the dversion program in the city I go to school? also when the cop showed up at my house I returned the stolen item... will I still be able to plead not guilty?
Pleading not guilty only buys you time to arrange plea deal. Yes you can still plead not guilty. Then you will get new court date. Talk to your Lawyer about where you will complete Diversion program if available
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