Shoplifting, Larceny, Robbery, Theft 21 theft in MN

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New Member
I recently commited the act of theft at Store name. Two pairs of of $26. Cop came and issued a ticket to show up in court. I was caught at Store name 2 years ago but completed a Diversion program so it's not on my record.
1. can I say I this is my first offense?
2. should i get an attorny? Im in college and don't have the funds....
3. What could my court sentence be?
Before I start I suspect the mods will move your thread to proper section so dont be surprised if this happens. Second remove the store names this site doe snot approve of naming stores. Thats for your protection

1. Yes you can but court can view this and will likely see you have done this before
2. Yes at least consult an Attorney so you can discuss what options you have
3. The Attorney(s) you talk with can tell you this
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