Alcohol & Drugs: DUI, DWI 2nd dui

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I've recently gotten my second dui in NC and was wondereing the rules and steps taken for this. Its been 3 years since my last and I was totally legal on the road, liscense- reg-etc.
Will there be jail time or extra community service or what?
I'm not sure I know the answer for this one but I'd seek representation for this matter. If you are seeking an answer for what will definitely be what you will receive I think that it is impossible to say. I does not seem that your license and registration being valid will be looked upon with favor in hoping for lenience. DWI is a serious offence and doing it twice in several states can result in suspension of your license. I believe that North Carolina does have such a law and the length of time can be even longer than three years for the multiple offense law to kick in.

See § 20-138.5. Habitual impaired driving. (3 offenses)

I'm not sure "extra community service" might be in order. This is a serious offense! People get hurt and get killed as a result of driving under the influence and if a judge thinks that you don't believe that this is really any serious matter, you might not like the results. Much depends upon the state, county, and you should seek representation.
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