2yr old's medical info being sold

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My 2yr old had to have a pescription filled for the first time the other month. He is now receiving mail addressed to him at our home address from companies asking him to participate in clinical research studies. I am worried about how his information was received and how much of his info was sold/handed out. I have called our peditrician, the pharmacy and the companies, no one has answers on how his info was handed out. How can i find out who handed out this information and violated his medical privacy? Is there a way to stop it? Is this a HIPPA violation?
My 2yr old had to have a pescription filled for the first time the other month. He is now receiving mail addressed to him at our home address from companies asking him to participate in clinical research studies. I am worried about how his information was received and how much of his info was sold/handed out. I have called our peditrician, the pharmacy and the companies, no one has answers on how his info was handed out. How can i find out who handed out this information and violated his medical privacy? Is there a way to stop it? Is this a HIPPA violation?

You're wasting your time.

Somewhere in your many insurance and medical coverage agreements, you'll see a provision as to how your permission is acquired for information to be used.

But, waiving it, only makes the name more notice, not less.

Laws cover this, but laws are useless when our leaders step on our constitution.
Thanks. I'm not looking to get 'lawsuit crazy', just want to stop the letters. And he's only 2, just worried about how much of his info is out there and how far it all gets sold and used.
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