I currently live in Pierce County washington and recieved my third dui. The circumstances surrounding this are much different than a routine stop. I had hit a parked car and there was no damage to the vehicle at all, the lady's car that it was had already called the police cause there were kids that were hanging out across the street from here house which i swerved out of the way to avoid being hit by the kids. Well the lady coming outside after talking to me realized i was not with the deliquents that were outside and said she was sorry for calling the police. So i waited there for the police offecers to arrive (outside of the vehicle). When the TPD arrived i was arrested for dui, i pleaded the 5th the 5th and made no statements, i took no BAC test and did not do the field sobriety test. Seeing that i have 2 priors it looks bad. I know the national average for beating a dui is less than 5% chance. If i were to go to trial would they be able to bring into evidence the prior DUI's, and what would be my chances of beating it. I have been leaving messages for my attorney every single and cannot get a single reply (DAC). I just dont have the 2-3 thousand dollars to hire a private attorney which i am sure would at least get the case dropped down to a negligent driving. Any advice or info would be greatly appreciated seeing that penalties for a 3rd in washington state are pretty severe (with the refusal). And the judge i have is not the nicest judge in pierce county to have (Judge V).