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Under federal law, it's Biden's choice whether to contribute his papers to a museum to preserve a history of that president's administration. His "handlers" have nothing to do with it. Private money is raised to build it but then the National Archives takes over and operates the museums. Democrat politicians can't prevent the library from being built. So long as Biden wants it and can raise the money for it, it'll get built whether the Democratic establishment likes it or not.

Republicans might want to be a bit circumspect in their criticism of the idea of pardons. One columinist has suggested an interesting idea that it would help both Republicans and Democrats if Biden were to pardon Trump, much like Ford did with Nixon, with a tacit understanding Trump would drop his revenge campaign. Trump would no longer have cause for revenge against Biden officials after Biden gives the gift of extricating him from the various legal troubles dogging him and his administration will be more productive if it's not focused on revenge for the past but is instead looking to how to make the country better in the future.

Is it likely at this point that Biden will do that? Probably not, but it is also not impossible either. A lot can happen in the six weeks before Biden leaves the White House. Republicans might help keep that door open if they can control their vitriol at least until that possibility is definitely closed. Trump claims to be a great deal maker, if he's really as good as he claims he ought to be able to pull off a trade here that would get him the preemptive pardon and spare the country another round of money and time wasted by the government pursuing cases that are nothing but revenge. 

As for which man is cuckoo, you already know my view: between the two men, Trump is significantly more mentally deficient than Biden. But neither on is up for the job for the next four years. Neither one was a good option for the country. Unless Trump assembles better advisors by Jan 20 than he's been nominating so far he won't have the strong advice he needs to restrain him when his emotions get the better of him and cause him to say or do something stupid (as he repeatedly did during the campaign).

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