Parole, Probation 4th Felony (formal) Probation Violation

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I'm asking in regards to my brother-in-law. He was convicted of receiving stolen property in June 2010, released in September 2010 and put on felony (formal) probation for 3 years. He violated the 1st time and did time for a DUI in October 2010, violated a 2nd time for not reporting in December 2010, violated a 3rd time and did time for a concealed weapon charge (dropped to a misdemeanor) in January 2011 and now violated a 4th time for a DUI last week. He is currently in custody awaiting arraignment for the DUI (it's his 3rd) and driving w/a suspended license. He has yet to be scheduled for a probation hearing. So far, anytime he's violated he's only been given county jail time, never prison. I've already been told the min/max sentence possible for the DUI, but it's the 4th probation violation I'm worried about.
If anyone has any information on what the possible sentences could be for him, I would greatly appreciate your response...the sooner, the better. Thank you!
He is fortunate that California is trying to get people out of prison rather than let them in. Sounds like this guy will end up in prison soon enough, but will probably do whatever time he is given ib the county jail unless he commits a violent offense. He is driving around intoxicated and carrying weapons, so he is certainly heading down the right road to go to prison- but it will take time to get there.
There is a combination of things going on here, how much time he is sentenced to is anyone's guess.
He could be sentenced to the rest of his time in his original charge(1st offense) but as mighty stated cali is broke so he may get lucky and do no prison time. Get him into AA and good luck.
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