50/50 physical custody who pays for school lunches?

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My son spends 50% of his time with me & 50% of his time with his dad. My son's dad pays me child support with a 30% reduction based on having him half the time. We do not have a shared expense plan, just c/s. I have my son every Wed & Thurs, then every other weekend Fri through Mon morning. Dad has him Mon & Tues, then every other weekend beginning Friday morning. I pay for our son's school enrollment and my son's dad tells me I have to also pay for his school breakfast & lunches since he pays me child support. I've been considering sending a lunch with my son on the days I have him since he has shown some precursor signs of type 2 diabetes and the doctor told us school lunches are not that good for kids that need to watch what they eat. If I do that, do I still have to pay for the lunches my son eats at school on his dad's days if he doesn't take a lunch on those days? I struggle to find what exactly c/s pays for and what should be split between us. Medical I know is split it is always spelled out, but what about all those other expenses?
As you are the parent receiving CS, you are responsible for those expenses. Remember, they were factored into the support order. If you do not feel the order is equitable, request a modification.
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