6 Week Restitution

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My husband was hit by a Semi on October 3rd. Our insurance company has been very helpful. However, the truck driver has caused a lot of problems. He has told 4 different stories as to what happened, as well as giving a false name. We have had to track down 2 separate insurance companies, one of which didn't even exist, even though the driver stated it as his insurance company on the Police report.
Speaking of police reports, the independent adjuster that was sent out by the actual insurance company claimed that the reason it has taken 6 weeks to sit down with us is because she had to wait for the police report to become public record. Which is when my husband showed her the police report that we received from a lawyer, and have had since October 18th.
We have been back and forth between 3 different agents, and 3 adjusters. The car wasn't even looked at until November 12th, even though the adjuster was supposed to look at it on the 10th. We were forced to move the car from our apartment by the landlord due to an insurance inspection, and the adjuster called us on Sunday while we were at a family function, asking where the car was. We had to leave to meet him at the car, which we had had towed to my husbands work.
The car is now deemed as a total loss. FINALLY, we have established something. Unfortunately, when we showed the independent adjuster the total material loss of my husbands car, she went from being nice and apologetic to cold and condescending. And we hadn't even gotten to the list of non-economic loss.
My husband was forced to temporarily drop out of school because of this, which results in his graduation being pushed back. We both go to ITT Tech, and tuition isn't cheap. Missing even one class drops your grade at least 1 level. My husband missed more that 6 classes due to his back injury, medication, and lack of a vehicle.
We just got married in August, and the stress on both of us has been horrible. My husband can't sleep, he's nauseous and has headaches. We've both missed work. Our entire lives have been disrupted for the past month and a half. It will take at least 6 months to get back to where we were pre-accident.
The list goes on and on, and my husband and I want a certain amount for restitution. As it stands, I doubt they will even give him the value of his car. We did everything that we were supposed to do. What are our rights? Is it worth it getting a lawyer? Any info would be greatly appreciated.

Thank you,

N3P3N7H3 of Oregon
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