7 consecutive days


New Member
New York
I work in New York City and just finished a week where I had come in on my only day off and was then still held accountable for my seventh day. I explained I thought it was illegal to have me work 7 days in a row however it was brushed off. Then today when I informed my manager I felt sick due to exhaustion and could I go home I was told "no" and walked away from leaving me to feel as if I could not leave without disciplinary action. By the time my shift ended I could barely communicate with guests because my brain was working so slow. I'm also filed as a "part time" employee with this company and clocked out at 49 hrs this week. They have consistently been unable to break me after 6 hours and I have worked several 44+ weeks for them and I'm at my wits end. As a bartender I'm used to long hours however I relish the breaks due to being on my feet all day. What are my rights as an employee with this?
There are multiple exceptions to NY's "one-day-of-rest-in-seven" law. What industry do you work in and how many hours do you usually work?
I work as a restaurant bartender. I was hired only to work 28-30 hrs tops, but have recently worked several weeks of 44+ Including this 7 day stretch
Okay, that raises another question because SOME restaurants are excluded. You said you work in NYC. Do you actually work IN the city or is that a blanket term for the region and you're in one of the suburbs? And is the restaurant you work in either seasonal or resort?

Yes, these things matter to your options.
I work in midtown Manhattan and the restaurant is in a hotel, but isn't seasonal and isn't unionized. It's a seperate entity of the hotel.
Then I think asking you to work 7 consecutive days does constitute a violation.

It is NOT illegal to have you working full time hours even though you are classified as part time. But under NY law you should be entitled to a 24 hour break.

I have to admit, though, that NY is not always as tough on enforcement as other states. All you can do is report what happened and see what they say.

New York City District 75 Varick Street 7th Floor New York, NY 10013 (212) 775-3880

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