Child Abuse, Molestation, Porn A child molester did double dirty deeds in two counties

army judge

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Another naughty, nasty, child molester has been nabbed.
May his VICTIMS one day receive peace.
May the naughty pervert, upon conviction, receive that which he has sown.
Mothers and fathers, please protect your babies.
The deviants and perverts wish to do them great harm, emotionally and physically.
WACO, Texas (KWTX) A man already facing child sex charges in Waco has been returned to McLennan County after being jailed on a similar charge in Hill County.

Charles Allen Lidster, 33, of Waco, was booked back into the McLennan County Jail Wednesday after he was transferred to the Hill County Jail on April 10 to be charged with sexual assault of a child.

According to Hill County Sheriff's officials, referencing records in the case, the allegations against Lidster stem from a delayed outcry made by extended family member years after the abuse.

Officials said the case was referred to them on Jan. 15, 2015, but the alleged acts happened over a period of time, at least five to six years, around the year 2000.

Referencing multiple records in the case, Chief Deputy Rick White said Lidster is accused of fondling and penetrating the mouth and vagina of a young family member.

"The abuse originated with a juvenile suspect and a juvenile victim, but the code allows for juvenile court to waive jurisdiction, so the case was transferred to adult court," White said.

"That's how a bench warrant was issued."

White said Lidster was a Waco resident at the time of the alleged incidents.

After being formally charged in Hill County, Lidster was cleared to be returned to McLennan County.

A warrant charging indecency with a child-sexual contact was obtained for Lidster by the McLennan County Sheriff's Office on Jan. 9, the same day he failed a polygraph exam.

According to the complaint, on Jan. 1, 2017, Lidster engaged in sexual contact with a 10-year-old girl.

The detective was assigned the case in December of 2017 following a forensic interview of the victim on Oct. 13, 2017.

"The victim stated that Lidster had her come into his bedroom, take off her clothing, lay on his bed and Lidster got on top of her," the complaint reads. "The victim stated that she could feel Lidster's 'middle part' and she later identified the 'middle part' as the penis on an anatomical drawing," the complaint says.

Following a failed polygraph exam, the complaint says, Lidster confessed to being aroused while in bed with the victim and she was telling the truth.

Deputies served the warrant and arrested Lidster at the Stripes convenience store at 9400 China Spring Road before 10 p.m. on Jan. 10.

During the arrest, while searching his backpack, deputies found a set of camouflage colored brass knuckles and a prescription bottle with a woman's name on it with a dozen green capsules inside, according to an affidavit.

"I asked Charles who (she) was and he stated that she was a friend of his and that she gave him the pills to help him sleep," the deputy states in the affidavit.

"Charles did not say he had a prescription for the pills."

Lidster was additionally charged with possession of a dangerous drug and possession of a prohibited weapon.

While investigating the first complaint, the agency issued a second indecency with a child-sexual contact warrant for Lidster on Jan. 29 in connection with an incident on Aug. 1, 2017.

According to the complaint, a 12-year-old girl came forward with similar allegations against Lidster, and also underwent a forensic interview.

"During that interview the 12-year-old victim stated that Lidster had her remove her clothing and lay down in bed with him," the complaint reads. "The victim stated she could feel Lidster's 'privates' on her thigh through his underwear and he told her not to tell anyone."

Man faces child sex charges in 2 Central Texas counties

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