a friend in trouble

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A friend of my wife is facing charges for Distributing Counterfiet Money several weeks ago and is due to make her first court apearance in March/next month.There are others involved with her including a male friend with whom she has sexuall relations and also of whom has a lengthy criminal past and he was recently released from Prison last September(2004).She usally lives a farely normal and legal life but since leaving a 14 year relationship has gotten involved with people she has known for many years.This started off by partying with these people and living life freely but has since aquired an extreem need for attention.Recently this friend and her lover/friend have purchased a vehicle and have been driving it without plates and with stolen plates as she refuses to bus it to work(a 45 minute commute).Niether one has a Valid drivers license.He has been stopped and fined by the Local RCMP for driving a vehicle belonging to a co-accused friend in the money scam and aparently he was with the purchased vehicle last week but not caught in it when the RCMP aparently removed stolen plates from it at a local Legion.If caught driving this Vehicle with stolen plates what charges would they face and could they get Jail time.
To begin, what state are we talking about?

pogie said:
A friend of my wife is facing charges for Distributing Counterfiet Money several weeks ago and is due to make her first court apearance in March/next month.There are others involved with her including a male friend with whom she has sexuall relations and also of whom has a lengthy criminal past and he was recently released from Prison last September(2004).She usally lives a farely normal and legal life but since leaving a 14 year relationship has gotten involved with people she has known for many years.This started off by partying with these people and living life freely but has since aquired an extreem need for attention.Recently this friend and her lover/friend have purchased a vehicle and have been driving it without plates and with stolen plates as she refuses to bus it to work(a 45 minute commute).Niether one has a Valid drivers license.He has been stopped and fined by the Local RCMP for driving a vehicle belonging to a co-accused friend in the money scam and aparently he was with the purchased vehicle last week but not caught in it when the RCMP aparently removed stolen plates from it at a local Legion.If caught driving this Vehicle with stolen plates what charges would they face and could they get Jail time.
The Law Professor asked which State we're talking about in this matter.My apologies for the lack of clarity.This has occured in British Columbia Canada.
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