Consumer Fraud A mic up that caused chase to take my money


New Member
I had a break in and some check books were stolen with out my knowledge so weeks later my son who helps me with my bills noticed money being taken out so he took it upon his self to call and try to see what going on and they recorded him during the call they asked him several question but at the time he didn't know that the checks or stolen during the breakin so they asked him who he might of thought did it and he was making guesses and he said it might have been an ex girlfriend you know a friend so then he tells me he had called and that the money was missing so I went online and looked at copies of the checks and noticed that the person who wrote the checks with the person who broke in my house and at that time made a police report so the the bank ends up denying the claim because of the fact that my son I was just guessing he didn't know who had done it at the time and use that as the reason why local branch where the cash checks were cashed had even called me and were suspicious but they still continue to cash check after check up to about $3000 and they are refusing to give me my money do some more info I can give you but I want to make this short as possible so please get back to me if you can thank you
I suggest you report the burglary and any other crimes to the police. Absent a police report, you're on your own. Even with a police report, if the bank suspects collusion or fraud, you're on your own.

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