Arrest, Search, Seizure, Warrant a question about search and seizure

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I was pulled over for what the officer said to be a failure to come to a complete stop at a stop sign....I went through routine bullshit.....he told me to step out of my car and patted me down ... Then he states you live in a high risk drug zone and asked if I cared if he searched my VEHICLE...(I live in OHIO) Knowing I was in possesion of nothing in my car I told him go ahead........He starts looking in my car and finds an old freezer bag which he opens and says smells like marijuana.... I disagree just saying it is an old bag I kept sandwiches in......he has nothing... so he calls me over again saying I walked funny when I got out of my car..... He frisks me again raises up my shirt, jacket, pants, pats me down again alll over he feels a round bulge in my front zipped up coat pocket and says whats that???he then just says your snuff.. I agree by shaking my head yes.....tellls me to go stand in front of his car again... he then searches my car all over again my trunk my backseats the whole nine yards still nothing.... he then walks over to me and unzips my pocket on my jacket and pulls out my round can with a lid on it that has about two joints of weed in it.... I believe this is illegal due to the ruling of terry v ohio... A person can only be frisked for weapons and anything in a persons pockets even if believed to be contraband can not be taken out of a persons pockets without consent of the person.... the offficer had no other reason to just reach into my pockets...and he had no probable cause to belive I was a threat to him anyway to perform a frisk on me... I was more than cooperative....and it was only the third time that he frisked me that he pulled a round object out of my zipped jacket pocket.......How can a person be frisked more than once is he going to find new evidnece???? It feels bogus and I dont want a petty misdemeanor possesion on my record let alone a 100 dollar fine.... I have already been to court and plead not guilty and am scheduled back next week... any replies ,,,,advice are very welcome....
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