A quick question

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New Member
Hey everyone,
I'm starting college in the fall and I've got some questions. First off I was going in as a psych major, but now I want to be a lawyer. It had always been a latent desire, but now it manifested itself after I thought about what I REALLY wanted to do with my college degree. I couldn't see myself being a psychologist for the rest of my life. It felt too emotionally draining (not saying that law isn't draining, lol). I felt that I wanted a job that provided some more money and I also wanted a job that was rewarding in the sense that I could get noterity (sp?) and still be able to help people. I also wanted to increase my brain power and I feel that I will be able to challenge myself to think "out of the box" more in a career of law than in one of psychology.
On with the question, is it worth becoming a paralegal while you are getting your BA in political science and is it possible if the college that you are attending doesn't have a program for it?
Another question: what made all of you interested in law?
Thanks for taking the time to read this short story (lol). Next time I'll try to be brief.
I became interested in law when I got in trouble with it.

It is a great idea to do this. It is a skill you will always have, can be very lucrative and even in more demand than being an attorney in many areas, and you can decide whether you really want to be an attorney after seeing what one needs to do. Many I know have decided not to pursue the law school route as a result and it is good for them that they figured this out early in their careers.

Originally posted by Hartwick85
Hey everyone,
I'm starting college in the fall and I've got some questions. First off I was going in as a psych major, but now I want to be a lawyer. It had always been a latent desire, but now it manifested itself after I thought about what I REALLY wanted to do with my college degree. I couldn't see myself being a psychologist for the rest of my life. It felt too emotionally draining (not saying that law isn't draining, lol). I felt that I wanted a job that provided some more money and I also wanted a job that was rewarding in the sense that I could get noterity (sp?) and still be able to help people. I also wanted to increase my brain power and I feel that I will be able to challenge myself to think "out of the box" more in a career of law than in one of psychology.
On with the question, is it worth becoming a paralegal while you are getting your BA in political science and is it possible if the college that you are attending doesn't have a program for it?
Another question: what made all of you interested in law?
Thanks for taking the time to read this short story (lol). Next time I'll try to be brief.
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