a simple question ive been dying to know the answer to

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i didnt know where else to post this, and ive been trying to find a place to ask this question and get an answer, ok here it is

ive been watching and reading videos and stories about people who bought homes and while renovating, found suit cases etc filled with money from robberies that date back to the 1950s and earlier, my question is, for such an old crime are the new homeowners who found the money entitled to it or is it something that belongs to the federal government?

i know theres the statuette of limitations and such, would that entitle the finder to the money, since the crime that was committed was 70+ years ago? it has nothing to do with me just dying to know what happens in this kind of situation legally speaking, i figured asking on a legal message board would be the easiest way to getting an answer to this question ive had for some time now

if anyone has the answer to this question id love to hear it thanks
ive been watching and reading videos and stories about people who bought homes and while renovating, found suit cases etc filled with money from robberies that date back to the 1950s and earlier, my question is, for such an old crime are the new homeowners who found the money entitled to it or is it something that belongs to the federal government?

If someone finds money or other valuables and keeps her/his yapper shut, no one would ever know what he/she found.

As my grandfather was fond of saying, "Boy, people talk too damn much."
I subscribe to the "finders keepers, losers weepers" philosophy.

I've looked for the hidden money in every house I've ever owned. Never found any.
my question is, for such an old crime are the new homeowners who found the money entitled to it or is it something that belongs to the federal government?

Depends on the relevant facts and the applicable state or federal law. In other words, there is no one size fits all answer to this question.

i know theres the statuette of limitations

Statute of limitations. A statuette is a small statue.

Also, a statute of limitations is a law which, in the criminal law context, limits how long after commission of a crime the government has to initiate prosecution and, in the civil lawsuit, limits how long after accrual of a cause of action a plaintiff has to file suit.
If the money can be traced back to a particular crime, it may have to be returned. And if not, the finder would have to pay income tax on the money found.
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