

New Member
North Carolina
What is the best way to leave an abusive marriage when living under the same household in which both persons are owners of. I was told that it could be labeled as abandonment if I left and went to stay with a friend. How is the issue of abandonment avoided and any other advice you can give is most helpful
What is the best way to leave an abusive marriage when living under the same household in which both persons are owners of. I was told that it could be labeled as abandonment if I left and went to stay with a friend. How is the issue of abandonment avoided and any other advice you can give is most helpful
Are there minor children of the marriage?
What is the best way to leave an abusive marriage when living under the same household in which both persons are owners of. I was told that it could be labeled as abandonment if I left and went to stay with a friend. How is the issue of abandonment avoided and any other advice you can give is most helpful

Find a lawyer that practices FAMILY LAW and practices near your home.

Explain your issues, problems, concerns to her/him.

If your story is truthful, compelling, and as you disclose above; the attorney will be able to obtain a restraining order against your abuser AND use his money to fund her/his fees to represent you allowing you to stay in the home or relocate WITHOUT committing abandonment to the marriage.

What you desire isn't easy and isn't a DO IT YOURSELF project.

You require the services only an experienced, competent, knowledgeable family law attorney can offer.

Find her/him ASAP, don't waste time looking for ways YOU can save yourself.

I was told that it could be labeled as abandonment if I left and went to stay with a friend.

It all depends on who that friend is.

If the friend is also a lover or paramour, don't even mention or consider it.

Do as I suggested above and the BEAST ABUSER will be paying your living expenses until the divorce is granted.

This is no time to engage is animalistic urges or base instincts.

This is the day you've wised up and seek to save your life!!!!
What is the best way to leave an abusive marriage when living under the same household in which both persons are owners of.

I'm not sure I entirely understand the question. The answer is to move. Anything more specific than that would require knowledge of the details of the situation.

I was told that it could be labeled as abandonment if I left and went to stay with a friend.

Told by whom that it could be labeled by whom as abandonment of whom/what?

Does the person who told you this have any legal education or experience?

How is the issue of abandonment avoided

Without knowing exactly what the person who told you this is talking about, you may find it instructive to know that, in North Carolina, there are only two grounds for divorce: (1) incurable insanity of one spouse (coupled with living separate and apart; and (2) separation for a year. N.C.G.S. section 50-5.1 and 50-6. There is also something called "divorce from bed and board," one of the grounds for which is abandonment, but "divorce from bed and board" doesn't actually terminate the marriage.

What exactly are you concerned about?
Find a lawyer that practices FAMILY LAW and practices near your home.

Explain your issues, problems, concerns to her/him.

If your story is truthful, compelling, and as you disclose above; the attorney will be able to obtain a restraining order against your abuser AND use his money to fund her/his fees to represent you allowing you to stay in the home or relocate WITHOUT committing abandonment to the marriage.

What you desire isn't easy and isn't a DO IT YOURSELF project.

You require the services only an experienced, competent, knowledgeable family law attorney can offer.

Find her/him ASAP, don't waste time looking for ways YOU can save yourself.

It all depends on who that friend is.

If the friend is also a lover or paramour, don't even mention or consider it.

Do as I suggested above and the BEAST ABUSER will be paying your living expenses until the divorce is granted.

This is no time to engage is animalistic urges or base instincts.

This is the day you've wised up and seek to save your life!!!!
Thank you this is helpful.

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