About to face wrongful termination

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Location: Danbury, CT
We're both newly licensed grads who has limited experience in real world.

Looking for some advises/help.

Friend of mine became an APRN not so long ago and got job.


The executive director (ED) has been doing some sketchy stuff such as forcing providers to see patients without guidelines, missing medical records, signed consent forms, and written protocol. And some patients tend to be hostile due to their psychiatric illnesses.

- Within 1 year, 4 providers have left the practice. My friend would be the fifth one very soon.

- She is still paying student loan and she does not want to be wrongfully terminated and be without a job.

- She has several pages of documentation about what had happened at her job.

Thanks for reading.
A wrongful termination does not mean what most people think it means. For a termination to be considered wrongful under the law, there must be a specific law that is violated by the termination.

It is unclear what your question is but I suspect you are looking for representation. If so, you are in the wrong place. This is not an attorney referral service and reputable attorneys do not troll message boards looking for clients. If that is your goal, you need to call the state Bar association, your local Legal Aide, or any law schools in your area for referrals.

If I have misinterpreted,please clarify what you are looking for from the board.
Your post is not real clear - do you have a specific question? Why would your friend believe she will be/might be wrongfully terminated?

If you are looking for a lawyer, follow cbg's advice above. We do have a link above under lawyers that might help you locate a lawyer in your area.

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