Abscenes/tardies at work

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I work for a clothing retailer. We are allowed 9 tardies within a 6 month period and 3 unexcused abscenes and then unlimited abscenses with a doctor's note.

I recently ran into sort of a situation and just curious as to my options.

I have quite a few abscenes/tardies, mainly tardies(3-5 minutes late usually). Anyways, so whenever we get so many abscenses/tardies the manager will print out a list of all of them and it's sort of like a written warning. So they print me up one and I have to sign it. The manager of course explains that it isn't good blah blah and that I can be fired if I miss too many more.

So that's all fine, I understand completely. No big deal. However, the secretary later informs me that day that my managers wife(who works there part time) has a large list of abscenes/tardies(same deal, 10-20 mins late, sometimes an hour, unexcused etc.). And the secretary tells me that she was told to excuse everyone's tardies throughout the holidays. However here I am having to sign this sheet being informed of possible termination. I have seen the list of the wife's tardies, which is quite extensive and she hasn't signed any forms etc. It even shows on there she is above the allowed number of abscenses/tardies and that the recommended course of action is termination. Yet she's possibly about to be promoted to a higher job title.

Initially I understood, you are tardy/late you eventually get fired, but I don't understand if this doesn't apply to everyone. So, the secretary seems to think I have a discrimination lawsuit and I was curious if you guys think there is grounds for something like this?

If I was fired and could have a list of her 'said' tardies/abscenes subpenaed to court? Is there any case at all, or what?

I didn't really think so, but the secretary seems to think so.

Just thought i'd get some more sound advice before proceeding.

What they allow another employee is none of your concern. They are allowed to have different standards for family members of management.

The secretary is wrong. All you need to worry about is getting yourself there on time.
Discrimination based on what?

If you cannot seem to get yourself to work on time then that is grounds for termination.

The manager does not have to treat everyone the same and personally you should MYOB and worry about youself.

Seems to me that if you are in this much trouble at this job, start looking for another one because it sounds like you might be terminated soon.
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