abused verbally and sexually by my supervisor...

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i have been experiencing abuse at the workplace verbal and sexual....by my supervisor...i work at a workplace where the majority of employees are men...i am constantly harrassed by this supervisor about my work performance because i am female..he purposely tries to make things harder for me because of that..he yells at me in front of people which i think is very unprofessional..i feel like if you have an issue with someone you should take the person to the side and discuss it he has even yelled at me in front of customers...he threatens me with making my job harder if i question him or talk back to him when he insults me..hes very mean and curses at me..he has also said sexual remarks to me on a daily basis...im at the point where i dread going in because of this...i dont feel like i am getting fair treatment..i dont deserve this treatment...i shouldnt get yelled at constantly..he has told me that he would have fired me by now if he could and that im useless..he tells me i hold the rest of the people back because of my limitations but i work just as hard as the guys yet im the only one he picks on..when they hired me for the position they knew i was a female and that i would have certain limitations..i cant lift as much as the men...but i can still do the job i just need help lifting heavier objects..but they knew that hiring me...now i get taunted on a daily basis because of it....i try to stay calm and mature about it..but its getting harder and harder to deal with...i dont want to stoop to his level i dont feel hes worth it hes nothing to me and i actually feel sorry for him because hes such a miserable person but its getting to where i dont know how long i can take it im starting to get enraged by him...and i am given the option to either go in or not when its not busy i choose not to go in because i hate being there..i dont want to have that negativity in my life im a good person and deserve respect...i have also been looking for other employment but even if i find another job i still dont think he should get away with this...im afraid to take my problem to upper management which is the store manager because he has the same attitude as my supervisor he also curses and is cruel to the employees he has made emplyees cry because of the way he treats them all of management is completely screwed up..... i feel like nothing would get done if i went to him..so im at a loss..what should i do?
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If you aren't willing to take the complaints to management, or your HR office if you have one, then you need to find a new job.
If you have a legitimate complaint regarding sexual harassment and it doesn't get handled appropriately then you could speak with an attorney about your options from there.
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