Assault & Battery abusive husband...unsure of my rights

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i am currently unofficially separated for a yr and a half. i left the anger/abusive husband when it got physical. i phoned the police back then but never filled out a report, which i know i should have done. now, 1.5 almost 2 yrs later, i am so behind in my bills the only option i have is moving back in with him..we have a 4 yr old daughter. the house and all the bills are still in my name (house half mine)...i thought of a business 3 yrs ago, when our daughter was a baby and i was not working...stay at home mom at the time. we went thru a invention company for one yr but since it was a controversial business, no one would touch it. then i decided to do it myself. we then moved into our house in upstate NY..the house i am thinking about moving back to. i have, since i left the house, gotten the name trademarked, made my own website and the press release is ready to go. the "husband" said to me just the other night, what will his cut be in the business. (i have not sold one CD yet)...i told him i would have to talk to a lawyer since right now i am at 65% for me and 35% for my partner (she is the narrator on my CDs) i told him i did not know but if the business takes off, i will pay off the house for him. he got angered and told me that a measly 130k is not going to cut it since he "financed" the whole thing,...which is not true. he then said, i left him..abandoned and then i told him it was b/c of what he did to me, physically. he told me that has nothing to do with business and what is his cut...he got extremely nasty, like he did in the past, my daughter started to get upset and he stormed out of the house. ( i was up there for dinner)...can you please tell me what my rights are re the business.??? i am not sure what to do since it looks like i have to move back for financal reasons... i am broke, no savings and what money i have as down payments to this apt needs to go to the landlord for back rent....
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