Accedent, my fault, insurance please

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I was involved in a auto accident recently, and found out later that my insurance had been canceld, due to non-payment a few days prior to the accident. I called my insurance company and they were uncooperative in any kind of retroactive help.

This accident was my fault, and the other part is willing to not turn this into her insurance, and allow me to pay the damages.

They have recently passed a law in my state(Tennesee) making it absolutly required to carry liability insurance. I've since opened a new policy, but it still won't cover the accident. I am seekign financial couseling to get my finances in order to see that this doesn't happen again, and I am paying for any damages that were caused.

Since it is required to carry it, I want to know the consequences of my not having insurance at the time of the accident. Am I going to jail? A big fine? A little fine? revocaton of my license? If revocation is the answer, how long, and what can one do about this because it would be a crippling consequence.
I am unsure of the law in Tennessee and a quick question to a friend resulted in his sharing with me that he thinks that Tennessee may be a state with very lax auto insurance laws. Apparently there was some attempt to create more stringent law but I am unsure as to where that ended up.

Suffice it to say that you may be dealing with some significant civil issues. You will be personally responsible for the damages done to this individual's vehicle and personal injuries suffered. It may be substantial. Additionally, you may face your license being suspended. It would seem that you should speak to an attorney immediately (we can provide you with a referral if necessary.)
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