Accident in vehicle I was test driving

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New Member
A few months ago I was test driving a Stratus in Liberal, Ks. Not too far away from the dealership, I needed to change lanes from the left lane to right to make a turn at the upcoming stoplight. I turned and looked behind me and saw nothing, turned on my blinker and started over. Out of nowhere came this Ford pick-up.I must have tapped it. The Stratus spun around, went up onto a grass median and hit a traffic sign..causing a little bit of damage to the vehicle. There was a witness to the accident who said the pick up was really going very fast, but since I hit him its my fault. (Ok, I accept that. I paid my "inattentive driving" ticket.) When the man from the dealership showed up he told me not to worry about it, the vehicle was insured. Ok. Now the insurance company for the dealership wants me to pay for the damages on the vehicle, or put it on my current vehicles insurance. This isn't right. Does that mean every time you want to test drive a vehicle you must go to your insurance carrier and insure it? No! Thats why the dealership must carry insurance on its vehicles in the lot. I don't understand this at all. Thanks for any help or advice!
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