You are lucky they dint called the police Im also one victim accidental shoplifting i am going throught the worst . I was shopping in one clothing store ****lo with my parents and my new born 7 months old boy i had My baby stroller with me . My parents eere here in hongkong to visit thier first grandson i was busy taking my parents to see around shopping and also with the new baby .while shopping they donot have a mesh bad they had a basket so i used my baby stroller as a shopping cart (gretest mistake ) well i was helping my mum dad to select the clothes ans with the sizes my baby was acting up crying may be beacause of store light and climax of the story is i went to cashier i was paying i paid for almost 13 clothes and my dad handed me
One more which my mother liked and asked me to do fast as baby was nagging then after payong i was one step
Outside the store door fixing the stroller and shopping bags the civil dress a man looking lady shouted and asked me to come back i thought the cashier left the censor i side which they do it most of the time where they just say sorry and we easily say its ok with the smile but to
Me they were not that nice as i am
Always with all the cashier and staffs they pointed under my baby stroller and yes i forgot to pay for 2 night pajamas whoch had square hard pacakaging so i had kept then under the baby stroller basket i said sorry for forgetting and offered to pay but no mercy they took me to the staff room where they only spoke chinese cantonese and inkepet saying i genuinely forgot to pay they dint let my baby come inside neither my parents they were shocked then they called the police i had to go to
Police station they search me then i had to call my husband i came out on bail then they ask me to come back for my statement but still they dont have interpreter so im still waiting till they have the interpreter .. since they have gone through cctv they should have understood i was not a thief the censor proice tag eth was on the clothes who leaves the store with the censor and price tag with the intention to steal when there are cctv alarm
Everywhere ? Moreover how on earth one can think of stealing when someone is with parents and a 7 months old ?? I feel so embarrased and abused if gov can make laws for stores to prevent loss then we also need laws for these accidental cases when cashiers rings up the wrong items wen they forgets the censor on clothes and alarm beats we have to face the embarassement they sometime gives the wrong change they say sorry we say thankyou its allright.. but no mercy wen it comes to loyal people like us .. anyways i believe on you

Accidental mistakes can happened . Hope the world will get better . I dont know how long i need to follow up carrying my baby for this stupid mistake