Accused of a crime because of my race

Toua Yang

New Member
North Carolina
4/1/2005 The first time this happened I didn't know what was going on, but I was the only one arrested. Just split up with my wife. two friends and I,went to the casino. I hit two Jackpots totaling $1100.00 ,both times ,they hand pay me. I ended up losing everything back. as I was waiting for my friends to finish play, security approached and arrested me.Charged me with passing Two fake bills.6/23/2005 case was dismissed " after investigation no proof he knew the money was fake". I though maybe during their investigation, they caught their workers passing it. 4/29/2014, 9 years later I went back and won $1600.00. instead of pay me, they told me that management told them to tell me I CHEATED THEM OUT OF $200 back in 2005. they're not paying me til I pay them.with no choice, I paid the two and told them to write me a receipt for the $200 I'm extorted and the $1600.00. I feel like they are doing this because I'm Asian. both workers that came and pay me back in 2005 were white. i was discriminated .even after the investigators reviewed the evidence and stated no proof . they say ITS me.when they had me in the back office being arrested, another fake bill was reported,came from the cash box at the back jack tables.I ask the officer ,you gonna charge me with that one to? any attorney, please help. I have the dismissal notice from the case and the receipt for the $200 they extorted to get the $1600 I won.
Casinos have very looong memories.
Based upon your recitation you've not been discriminated, you chose to clear the debt, even though collection was time barred.
You are free to complain to your state's gaming commission, otherwise the Indian Tribal Leadership.
what do you mean chose to clear a debt. they wasn't gonna pay me my 1600 i just won unless I pay the 200. plus it wasn't me .that's why it was dismissed. so your saying that it couldn't have been any of the two workers that came and hand pay me.whats the casino using to judge me with? so you and the casino both think that the two workers are 100% trustworthy and that there's no way they could have gave me those bills. it just had to be me? then why wasn't I convicted ?
if i owed anything the courts would have order it. the casino only looked at me in 2005. thats why when the court dropped the case . its still has to be me the asian and not the white workers. what a country.
bottom line is that I don't owe them because I didn't cheat them. I had nothing to do with it. i went ,i played, i won 1100 then lost everything. their is no way anyone can say that the workers couldn't have switched the bills when they were paying me.
bottom line is that I don't owe them because I didn't cheat them. I had nothing to do with it. i went ,i played, i won 1100 then lost everything. their is no way anyone can say that the workers couldn't have switched the bills when they were paying me.

You're wasting your time arguing / debating this with me, mate.

You don't know what I think.
But, I'll tell you.

I don't care if you're innocent or guilty.

My opinion means nothing.

But, you seem rather riled up, despite you winning a dismissal.

Mate, if you're innocent or guilty, doesn't change a thing about my great life.

Why don't you just ignore my stupid advice, and do whatever you think makes sense.

After all, it's your life, not mine.
I am missing how your race has anything to do with it. You gave them two apparently counterfeit bills. You were arrested and eventually found not guilty as it was believable that you might not have known the bills were fake. Meanwhile, the casino still never got that money in real currency. Years later, they asked for it before paying out your winnings. I imagine casinos keep records on those who are suspected of passing fake bills. You paid the $200 the casino was out from 2005 and you got your winnings. If coincidentally there was another fake bill incident when you just so happened to be there a decade later, I'd be suspicious too. It might be unfortunate coincidence but it does raise questions.
what is wrong with you people? i went there and won. they're the ones that gave me those bills. i went there with only twentys I did have any hundreds til i won and they came and pay me with.I only went back there because thats the only casino near me. look all i'm asking is that why didn't they check the workers too.i was arrested then released after the case was dismissed. how can they come at me . I'm cleared.people take each other to court so the court can decide . at lease thats what I think. these people really done me wrong but it sounds like I found a site that just wanna tease and wrong me evenmore.
The first situation happened 11 years ago. Far too long ago to have any sort of case. The second was more than 2 years ago. The closest legal argument I can think even might apply would be slander/libel but the SOL on that is 1 year. Extortion is a criminal offense and you can not sue for it civilly. This does not meet the legal definition.
first of all, thank you guys for the answers.I'm sorry, sometimes I get very angry when I talk about this subject, because to me, know I was done wrong and I don't know enough or have the funds to do anything about it. that's why nothing was done. but it hurts me that I'm so helpless.I say its my race because, in a courtroom under oath, I don't think the casino can say 100% it wasn't one of there workers. it could have been anyone that came in touch with those bills, but for them say you cheat us . as if all the evidence pointed to me. if it did, I assure you,I would have been convicted. for them to deny paying me. until I pay for something I know I didn't do. I think that's wrong. If they didn't like the courts decision they should have found another legal approach and have a decision awarded to them ordering me to pay. until then, my case was dismissed . I have a clean record maybe a few speeding tickets. Between the two workers that came and pay me, the one that changed out the bills,and myself. they're saying I cheated them. no way its a worker. but if there's no proof then really, what's the casino seeing or using to judge me.thanks again everyone. oh one last thing, statue of limitation on collecting a debt, isn't it 1 or 2 years only.but I guess it doesn't apply to them.they don't care what the courts say any ways.
question for ElleMD. its too long ago to have a case. I see and understand that, but shouldn't it be both ways? how is it that they can bring it up" you cheated us back in 2005". since they brought it backup and made me pay,wouldn't the statue restart on that date that I paid?
sir if it was you in a chinese casino and they accused you. no way its my workers they good man . its you. you will then understand where i'm coming from.with no proof, its just one seems to understand but its okay. I'm just looking for advice .but please before you judge me , put yourself in my shoes .say they're accussing you. and even though your clear of the charge . its still you.. but thank you sir. I know I have to look at all the different views and not just my own. I appreciate your answer
you miss understood what i wrote. back in 2005 when they had me in the back office questioning me about the two bills. a third bill was reported from the blackjack tables
I am Retail Theft consultant and have conducted such interviews. NOTHING in your post suggest race played a role! Even if it did once again the SOL has expired you lost your time window. They could NOT force you to pay even though they implied that. Had you gone the proper route then the money would have likely been returned. that boat has sailed. Its time to move on and not visit this place again
you miss understood what i wrote. back in 2005 when they had me in the back office questioning me about the two bills. a third bill was reported from the blackjack tables

When you were told pay up, or we won't pay you the jackpot, all you had to do was say, "Call the gaming commission."

If they refused, you could have called, their number is plastered all over casinos.

A few minutes, a couple hours, or maybe the next day one would have met you, or contacted you; and I assure you, you would have been paid.

What they did was illegal.
As mentioned, they bluffed, you folded.

Had you said, GAMING COMMISSION, they would have paid, or would have been deep doodoo and had to pay massive fine
well for some folks. we don't know the popper steps to take. thats why I ended up here. seeking info. I don't know much about casinos. I just gamble there. gaming commission, I don't know anything about them. are they like police for casinos. if I knew that I would have. I though just getting the receipt to prove they did that would be enough but never had enough money to actually hire an attorney to look in to it. but its to late now. lesson learned .and yes I've left the state, Im never going there again. thanks everyone for all your answers. take care and god bless you all
I don't doubt that the problem you faced could have been motivated by race / nationality. For the moment, let's say you're right. Unfortunately the issue facing you is about the justification of the casino's actions, who can deny that it was racially motivated and point to some other issue. If they can show that there was a prior incident, you'll have an almost impossible time proving that what your gut tells you is true.

The second issue is about getting the money you've won. There are gaming commissions where you can file a complaint and I doubt a casino will want to deal with such complaints, especially for what seems to be a small amount of money. You can also proceed to small claims court if they don't pay. You will need to send them a demand letter, which should be sent via a certified method.

Best to quit while you're ahead and realize the reality. In the long run, the odds are that the house will win. Good luck.

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