Accused of biting?


New Member
New York
I was attacked by a drunk man in a bar. I was sober at the time as I was there to be the designated driver for friends. He shoved me against a wall and put his forearm over my mouth and leaned into it so his arm was pressing into my teeth. He then squeezed my breasts and grabbed my crotch.

My teeth left some marks on his arm that faded before the police arrived. He took pictures with his cell phone camera and claimed I'd bitten him and so he pinned me in self-defense.

I don't feel I bit him, as I didn't close my jaws at all. He pushed himself into my teeth, I didn't push my teeth into him. When I went to the police station to give a statement, the officer wrote my statement for me and insisted on using the word "bite". I refused to sign the statement and left.

I'm now wondering what a proper legal phrase to describe someone leaning against your teeth? I realize it's probably not a common issue but it surely has to have come up before?
What difference does it make if you call it biting or just resting your teeth on his arm?

You were attacked. You were entitled to act in self defense, including biting. You had witnesses.

Did you call the police to the scene on the spot? If not, big mistake.

Anyway, if you expect the police to do anything, you need to go back and sign the statement. If you don't want it to say bite, get a blank statement form and fill it out the way you want to, sign it and hand it in. There shouldn't be any reason that you have to dictate it while the officer is writing it down.

PS: Next trip take your witnesses with you so they can write statements, too.
The difference is "he said" and "she said".

The guy claimed I bit him and he pushed me against the wall to defend himself and that I'm some psycho that cried assault to get away with it.

I say the guy pushed me against the wall and pawed me and that I didn't bite him, that he gagged me with his arm. It was *really* fast. I was standing there a little stunned trying to figure out why I had an arm across my mouth and then it was all over.

When he stopped, I called the police. Once he knew the police were on their way he took a picture of his arm.

I didn't have witnesses. All my friends were at the bar and were pretty drunk. The guy accosted me near the bathroom down a hall. Yeah, I know we girls all go to the bathroom in packs but this time I happened to be alone. Next time I'll bring a friend.

I told the cop the guy pinned me and groped my breasts and crotch. The cop wrote in the statement something like I bit the guy and then his hand touched my breast. If I signed that statement and actual charges were pressed, I could really easily go from being a woman who was assaulted by a perv to a rabid ho-bag who attacked an innocent man just trying to enjoy his beer. I don't have much experience with the legal system but I do know to never sign anything you don't agree with 100%.

If I have the right to fill out my own statement, I'll do that. I didn't know I could.

Thank you for taking the time to answer my question.
I do know to never sign anything you don't agree with 100%.

Good for you.

All my friends were at the bar and were pretty drunk.

Word to the wise: There is plenty of entertainment out there without going to the bars where drunks are. Drunks and stupidity are inseparable. Do yourself a big favor and avoid that kind of environment.

Give up friends who go to bars to get drunk.

Find a boyfriend who doesn't drink. Your life will be a lot happier in the long run.
Okay Miss, what are you trying to accomplish here? What is that you are looking to have happen?

What city/town/village did this occur in?

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