Adding medical insurance to child support

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My husband has a daughter from a previous marriage who is 10 years old. Last year around November her Mom decided to go to court and have the child support increased. Because of the increase in my husbands income the child support went from $400 to $800. The mother was previously living off the state, section #8, food stamps, state health etc......with absolutely no reasons for not working..... she now cannot get these things because her income (child support) has increased. Now the state (North Carolina) wants her father to provide medical insurance for her. Since he already has health insurance through his employer to cover himself and his daughter, it will be around $300 a month. I've heard of the state giving "credit" for the added medical insurance taking the $300 from the $800 he already pays and leaving the child support payments now around $500. I've also heard that they will add that $300 to his already $800 making his monthly child support payment $1100.00 When my husbands office manager informed him of the $300 medical insurance she also stated that the child support person told her that since they don't know what the child support payment will be right now that he would have to pay the additional $300 a month until it is settled. And also mentioned that he could always hire a lawyer and they can fight it out in court. To think that we might have to hire a lawyer for something the state is going to mandate....sounds ridiculous and unfair. Please help answer these questions for us. Thank You!
Dad needs to see an attorney or google your states child support guidelines. Since mom is capable of working, an income should be imputed for her so that Dad should pay less in support. He might want to see if a family law attorney will be willing to talk to him.

hopefully Dad gets to claim the child on taxes since he supports the child 100%. If not, this needs to be addressed as well.
SEE A LAWYER! If he is already paying the $300 to the insurance company for her coverage he should NOT have to add it onto the already increased support. That just makes no sense. Now, if MOM said she was going to pay $300 a month for insurance b/c Dad *didn't* carry it then I could see where the state might mandate that he reimburse her for it (not saying it's right if he's already paying so much towards the child's upkeep but I know my stepdad had to pay a chunk b/c he didn't carry insurance on a minor child his ex wife had custody of...) Find a lawyer fast before you are paying for things you shouldn't and probably won't be reimbursed or given credit for.

Oh, and I am NOT a lawyer and don't even play one on TV LOL
My husband paid health insurance on his child. They deducted the amount per week straight off the child support amount. Say his child support was set at $100 a week but he pays $20 then he would pay $80. Now the CP has insurance so they take $15 off. I would look up your state's guidelines. My husband's is in Indiana so it is added right into the child support calculator.

I would consult an attorney.

Good Luck.
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