Parole, Probation Adjudicated Youthful Offender at age 18. Once my probation ends, can I own an a gun?

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My jurisdiction is: New York, United States

Monroe County, NY

In June of 2005, at age 18, I committed a burglary in my neighborhood. I was walking the neighborhood drunk at about 12:15 AM stealing cash and valuables from unlocked vehicles. I spotted an open house. The garage and entry door to the house were open, but the screen door was closed, unlocked. I opened the screen door and entered the home. The owners of the home were in other rooms and there was no confrontation. I took a BOSE Wave Radio/CD Player and a purse containing cash and credit cards. I spent the cash, sold the radio, and destroyed the credit cards and personal items.

On November 17, 2005, I was arrested and charged with Petit Larceny for shoplifting at a local Wal Mart. The charge was lowered to Disorderly Conduct and I served a night in jail, did community service, and paid restitution. In late December 2005, a few days before Christmas, two Monroe County Sheriff's investigators arrived at my house. I was told that since my fingerprints had been entered into the system for the Petit Larceny, the investigators had matched them to the burglary I had committed months earlier in June. I was charged with 2nd Degree Burglary, a C Felony.

The final conclusion of the case was that I was "Adjudicated as a Youthful Offender" and sentenced to 5 years of probation. I began my probation sentence on April 11, 2006. My probation terminates on April 11, 2011, however my PO has recently told me it will likely be closer to Summer/Fall 2010 for good behavior/compliance.

When my lawyer worked out the deal with the Prosecutor, I was told that this won't be on my record or effect my getting a job and generally can't be used against me in any way. I was told that it is not ANY kind of conviction.

What I've been wondering for a long time is whether or not I will legally be allowed to purchase and own a firearm once my probation is terminated. I know there is a background check that gun dealers do, and if you're a convicted felon you can't own a firearm. Is there a chance the Youthful Offender will still count as a felony for this purpose?

I've already asked my PO and she doesn't know the answer as she's "not a lawyer". My lawyer is no longer on the payroll and thus I don't feel comfortable asking him for legal advice.

Thanks for taking my question.
The gun background checks ask if you have ever been convicted of a felony. If you were never convicted, then you should be just fine. In fact, if you still have the right to vote, then that means you still have your civil rights, which would include gun ownership.
Yes, now that you mention it, I have voted several times, including the 2008 Presidental Election, since I've been on probation. Thank you for your help.
It's unlikely and all, but,

if for example you were ever committed in a psychiatric unit against your will, you won't be permitted the use of a handgun.

I've never bought a handgun, or tried, but it seems the form they make you fill out will be pretty self-explanatory.
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