Adult Guardianship

Disabled Vet

Well-Known Member
How to remove adult guardianship in Indiana? Since the guardianship was court ordered in the county he lived in at the time. He has since moved into a different county. We are seeking to have the guardianship removed since he has made a complete turnaround. We feel that he is able to handle his affairs once again on his own. Do we file in the county where the guardianship was granted or the county that he currently resides? Is this a diy filing for the removal process?

Can Guardianships For Disabled Adults Be Modified Or Terminated In Indiana?

A petition for modification or termination of an adult guardianship in Indiana is appropriate under the following circumstances:

The protected person petitions;
The protected person dies;
The protected person can take on more responsibility;
The guardian has not been keeping up with their duties;
The guardianship is no longer necessary for whatever reason

It is important to note that if the guardian petitions to resign, the resignation first requires court approval and is not immediately guaranteed. For any modification or termination, the court will set a hearing date at which all interested parties can present evidence and give testimony.

Guardianship For Disabled Adults In Indiana

3 Ways to End a Legal Guardianship - wikiHow

Do we file in the county where the guardianship was granted

Yes, in the same case.

or the county that he currently resides?

You can ask the court to transfer the case to the new county and then petition for removal of guardianship.

Is this a diy filing for the removal process?

Visit the courthouse and see if the clerk has a forms and instructions packet for this sort of thing.

If not, then you probably won't be able to figure out how to create the documents and you'll need an attorney. Which is probably a good idea anyway since this is something you don't want to screw up.

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