My wife recently received instructions from state prosecution or at court to make arrangement for restitution on auto accident claim in return for dropping an evasion charge against her. With no auto insurance in force at the time of the accident, it would our sole responsibility for this. However, no estimate or claim has been sent or provided to us for nearly a month for the damaged caused. The only proof of claim was a copy filed with the prosecutor, which could not be legally provided to us by the court. Only the injured party could provide the copy per court rules and there has been only limited verbal contact by that party and it is their claim that we know the dollar amount claimed (I only got a glimpse at a court folder of some $1600 figure but no actual estimate was handed to me) so no estimate or bill needed to be given to us. My view on this is that no restitution can begin without a reasonable request for paperwork be honored by the other party. We have a return date early next month on this but I am uncertain that any arrangement can be made given this lack of cooperation by the other party. I have stated by intention to reasonable restitution be made to the other party but that is only possible by seeing some estimates or billing on the claim. Any advice? My thoughts are filing for discovery but not sure I can file that without a lawyer in the state of Connecticut